Sunday, August 09, 2009



Good thing I decided not to take the motorcycle out for a morning cruise because a band of thunderstorms formed over the lake & came ashore with thunder & lightning dumping tons of water on the area. Good for all plants though because things were getting a bit dry. TWO BATTERIES UNDER THE STEPS

In a rare shopping mode last week I dropped into the new Habitat for Humanity store in Goderich & bought a dusty old spice rack for 50 cents & a $5 boom box complete with cassete tape deck. Both items well used but I wanted the boom box to play my old cassette tapes that I had painstakenly made from library CD's back in the mid 80's. Also had some natural bird song tapes from my old Stratford Field Naturalist Club days that I wanted to try out on our front yard birds. Worked great yesterday as the taped bird sounds seemed to draw in more birds.


Had an email from some friends in southern Arizona inquiring about the solar system we had installed on our motorhome in December of 07 in Slab City, California. Gathered all the info to-gether & sent them a reply this morning. Figured I would also put that info into to-day's blog plus our photos & blogs from the 3 day period we spent at the Slabs. Leonard Knight's Salvation Mountain is at Slab City as well & we were there..........................
To J & R: Wasn't readily able to lay my hands on the paperwork for our solar installation but the following is my slightly foggy recollection of what we have.

Our solar system was installed by SOLAR MIKE'S SUN WORKS
in Slab City, California. I know we got two solar panels on the roof with numbers like 120 or 130. I think that has to do with watts or something. They are Kyocera panels I think & there should be some pics in our Slab City Installation album which I will put a link in for below. We also had 4 new batteries installed, 1 monitor, 1 control panel, & 1 2500watt power inverter plus lots of wiring. The inverter is bigger than we needed but it was used & had just come out of a fifth wheel while we were there. Those people were going to an even bigger set-up. Our total cost was somewhere around $3,000+ I think. Installation took a day & a half & you can read about it here....

The photos from our 3 day stay at the Slabs are here...

Kelly had done a lot of research on the internet about solar installation & most people on the RV NET FORUM recommended SUN WORKS in California so that's where we went. The LIVE.WORK.DREAM couple had their 5ver outfitted for solar there as well after we did. And Slab City itself is worth a look see just for the experience of being there. You can camp out in your rig anywhere. Lots of colorful characters at the Slabs:))


Our system has been trouble free ever since & we have never ran out of solar power or even come close to running out. We sometimes run the generator for a few minutes in the morning while coffee is brewing. Wouldn't have to but I like to keep the generator up to speed plus if you have a few cloudy days you can always bump your batteries up with the genny so it's good to keep the generator primed & ready to rumble. We can do pretty well everything with solar that we do with electricity except use a slow cooker or micro-wave for long periods of time. Television, lights, etc all work just the same as if you were in your house. INSIDE SOLAR PANEL MONITOR SHOWING A TYPICAL CLOUDY DAY READING

Photos show 2 batteries under the top step passenger side where the old battery was, 2 batteries in cases in the adjoining bin with the white inverter behind. Next 2 pics are the 2500Watt Trace inverter from the bin on the driver's side. Next photo is inside the coach showing the solar panel monitor. Numbers in the high 1300's mean your drawing in lots of good power on a sunny day. It's cloudy & raining right now so the panels are only drawing 1272. Next 2 pics show the control panel for the system & you can see on the monitor that our batteries are 85% charged. If we have a bunch of cloudy days & they drop into the 70% range I just plug into shore power & they are fully charged to 100% in no time or run the generator to charge them. Driving also charges the batteries. SOLAR CONTROL PANEL IS THE ONE WITH THE BLUE BUTTONS

Hope this gives you a basic idea of solar power. The initial cost is a bit expensive but we have already nearly recouped all that money in saved Park fees over the past couple of years. RV Park fees are one of the biggest money drains RV'ers face. Let us know if you have any other questions & maybe we can answer them. There are some maintenance procedures for the batteries but it's kind of standard I think.....AL. CONTROL PANEL SHOWING WE HAVE AN 85% CHARGE ON THE BATTERIES
GROANER'S CORNER: A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was a nurse said 'No change yet'.

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Saturday, August 08, 2009


PHOTO ABOVE shows the Nikon D40 camera & Stellarvue Nighthawk telescope combination I'm learning to use for the bird photos. My left hand is on the tightening knob for tilting the 720mm scope lens up & down. Directly below that is the knob for swinging the lens left & right. Below that, visible on the tripod is a crank for raising or lowering the camera & lens on the tripod. The round gray knob directly above my watch is one of two focusing knobs on the lens. My right hand's forefinger is back on the trigger of the camera & it also runs the exposure compensation button while my thumb adjusts the exposure by turning a dial on the back of the camera. By the time I've made all the adjustments the bird I'm trying to take the picture of has probably already left the country. Beside me on an unseen table sits a second Nikon camera with a 200mm zoom lens, my bird ID books, a pair of 7x35 mm binoculars, & a cup of cold coffee:))

With the current problems regarding the American health care system going on in the States right now we have received a few email inquiries from RV friends. There is soooooo much mis-leading information south of the border. My Aunt Jean in Florida also emailed us yesterday with a few questions about what kind of health care we have here in Canada. She writes.......
"Are your doctor visits paid for, or do you have a co-payment? What about hospital stays & surgery? Does the plan pay for any medications? I'm sure you need a referral from your primary doctor to see a specialist of any kind, & approx. how long is the wait to get an appointment. There is such a debate going on down here about Healthcare, one doesn't know what to believe. I presume the rules & payment plans have changed from when the program was first introduced back in the 60's." I've meant to ask you about your OHIP,(Ontario Health Insurance Plan) & how that works BEFORE the age of 65.


Kelly wrote the following response to my Aunt Jean......
"There is not much difference after age 65. Except you get your prescriptions for $4.00 per script. Also after 65 you get a free eye exam every year. ( pay for your own glasses though. But you get most of that back on your income tax refund. All Dr. visits are free, you are allowed 1 complete physical per year. ( no co-pays ever) you can go to your doctors as often as you want, he can request any blood test he deems necessary. Hospital and surgery free. Ambulance has a co-pay, but not much. You do need a referral for any specialist. I had to see a cardiologist for a stress test and waited one week. Then was referred to Kitchener for a myocardial nuclear infusion , that wait was one day ! I was really impressed. One thing to remember though, neither Al or I have had to deal with a long term major illness.
I know there are pros and cons, but for us, we are thankful to have the care we do without payments of any kind. We can walk into any hospital in Canada and receive free care. I realize that is why our gas it more, a bottle of wine is more etc, etc... I'd rather pay a little more for things and not worry about how to pay for a health care plan...
Anyway... that is my opinion Jean for what it's worth .... Kelly (P.S. I wish Dental was included, have never understood why it isn't)" FEMALE GOLDFINCH ON LEFT....MALE ON RIGHT NEVER KNEW A MORNING DOVE HAD SO MANY SUBTLE COLORS

You can see Kelly is much more knowledgeable on this medical stuff than I am. Only thing I know is if I cut my finger she told me to just put a band-aid on it, shut up, & don't whine!! THIS RED BELLIED WOODPECKER WAS MOVING UP THE PINE TREE SO FAST I ONLY GOT ONE POORLY FOCUSED SHOT OF HIM

Noticed a fair number of RV folks are golfers. I've tried about half a dozen times over the years to get interested in the game but it just never grabbed me. Even bought a used set of clubs back in the early 80's hoping that might spur me on, but it didn't. I'm not one for competitive sports at all & maybe that has something to do with it. There is one thing though that I really liked about golf.....the golf course!! To me, golf course are so beautifully landscaped & go hand in hand with Mother Nature. I love all the shades of green blending to-gether. Golf courses are so scenic with their flowers, trees, ponds, sculptured sand bunkers, & winding pathways for the golf carts & people traffic. Long sweeping fairways bordered with towering trees against deep blue skies dotted with white fluffy clouds makes for picture postcard landscapes. The few times I played, it wasn't the game that caught my attention, it was the scenery. Always thought how nice it would be to just leisurely enjoy the peace & tranquility of the golf course without having to undergo the stress of smashing a little white ball all over the place with a metal club......And then this morning I had a "light bulb" moment regarding golf courses:)) MALE RED WING BLACKBIRD

Seems kind of unfair to me that only small select groups of people are permitted to exclusively use golf courses. If I owned a golf course I would set aside a special day (maybe 3 or 4) every week for Seniors & special interest groups like walking & hiking clubs, photography clubs, bird watchers, nature clubs, artists, horticultural organizations, environmentalists, etc. Bus the Seniors from the care facilities, nursing homes, & Seniors clubs to the golf course then arrange for volunteer golfing people to transport the Seniors around the fairways on the golf carts. I'm sure somebody could come up with a way to safely carry wheelchair folks on some kind of tram pulled by a small vehicle of some kind as well. Think of the endless enjoyment older folks would get from being able to move about in such a beautiful setting. Set up a nice afternoon lunch in the clubhouse & just make it a great outing for the folks. The peacefulness of a golf courses lends itself perfectly to bird watchers, nature photographers, & artist types. Smooth golf cart pathways make for healthy walking. Horticulturists would love the landscaped gardens & all the environmentalists would be a happy bunch indeed. Awwwww, if only:(( But, it's not likely ever going to happen because it's not likely I am going to own a golf course anytime soon.........................But, if I do.....:)) GREAT NORTH AMERICAN PORCELIN BIRD:))

GROANER'S CORNER: Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Friday, August 07, 2009


Some days the brain cells just kind of reach through the membrane encrusted flotoptus, join neurons & create some kind of a bumbling thought process. To-night does not appear to be one of those wondrous times!! I sit here in front of the computer on a Friday night with nothing more in the mind's vault than stale air. Didn't even take any photos to-day so had to go back & dig up some Lilies from the old 2008 garden.

Most of my day was spent on the road with my mobility van job so it left little time for photos or thought. Blog thought that is. I'm a happy guy if I'm busily doing something I enjoy & that's what makes some days better than others. So, I will chalk this one up to a good day.

"Minimum amount of product for Maximum amount of money!!" Came across that phrase years ago & with each passing year it takes on a heavier meaning. If Tim Horton's keeps downsizing their coffee cups it won't be long & we'll be paying $3 a thimbleful. And if they ever turn the cereal boxes sideways on the grocery shelves nobody will ever find them because they will be wafer thin invisible. But do we pay less money for less product.....not a chance!! Doesn't it just bug ya how many manufacturer's are sneakily downsizing their products in order to squeeze those last pennies out of you for their profit riddled bottom lines. D'ya suppose it was one of those CEO characters that came up with that deceptive down size cereal box scheme. Betcha that guy got his cool multi million dollar bonus for figuring that one out. So, in effect we are also paying for that CEO's bonus while he makes sure that we receive less by giving him even more. Something wrong somewhere I'd say!!!!!!!!!! Notice how when the brain is idle it has a tendency to go straight to the rant department. Ok, maybe yours doesn't but mine does.

I'm off to the eye doctor guy Tuesday morning to have my eyes checked. My vision has been slipping lately & I suspect I will have to update my 4 year old glasses prescription. I really have trouble reading blogs because most bloggers seem to use very small print. Blogger does allow it's bloggers to enlarge the print if they wish. I enlarged ours about a year & a half ago. I always type my emails in larger print as well figuring it not only makes it easier for me to read but also the person receiving the email. These aging body parts sure do need all the help they can get.

Sometimes you see people walking along talking to themselves. They're lips are moving but nobody else is around. Well, not exactly nobody but if they are like me they just could be talking to.........something. For example, I am always talking to our dogs no matter where we are. I talk to them here at home all the time as well as out walking anywhere. Generally I'm telling them what great guys they are & how much I love them. I don't just think it, I come right out & verbally tell them that many times a day. If I see a butterfly close by I talk to it as well. Birds flying overhead will get a, "Hello Mr. Bird" from me. Horses, cows, chickens, ground hogs, frogs, toads, snakes, mice, squirrels, long lost dinosaurs, fish in a stream & rascally raccoons. Makes no matter, I talk to them all. Now, I said I talk to them, I didn't say they necessarily talk to me.....well at least not all the time:)) So, if you see me out walking with the gang & my lips are moving, not to worry because I'm probably just talking to our dogs or wishing a passing caterpillar a nice day:)) Now, if you think any of that is a bit strange, try this one.......If a fly is pestering me I will try to swat it & yet if I see a fly struggling in a pitcher of water I will stop what I am doing & try to save it by carefully extracting it from it's impending drowning fate, carry it outside, wish it well, & gently toss it into the air. Ya, ya, I know Al, it's time to back away from the keyboard & get yourself to bed.......Pronto!!

GROANER'S CORNER: When Beethoven passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A of couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noise coming from the area where Beethoven was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it. The priest bent down close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate.When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that's Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, being played backwards."He listened a while longer, and said, "There's the Eighth Symphony, and it's backwards, too. Most puzzling." So the magistrate kept listening; "There's the Seventh... the Sixth... the Fifth..."Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, "My fellow citizens, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Beethoven decomposing." (sorry for the long joke folks but it was just toooooo bad to pass up)

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Thursday, August 06, 2009



I enjoy reading most other RV'ers blogs because there is always much food for thought. When I read about thoughts, ideas, plans, dreams, successful ventures & failed adventures I am comforted to know I am not alone in my thinking. In GYPSY'S recent post I sense her frustration at having to deal with the public in her job at Lassen Provincial Park, California & the recent loss of her dog plus the isolation she is feeling by not being connected to her internet friends because of a poor internet signal where she is located. CONE FLOWERS

I've been following ROD'S blog as they have been bubbling along the interstates heading west through Colorado & Wyoming in their brand spanking new Class A Allegro. You can feel their excitement as they get to know & discover their way around the big coach. WANDERING WILLY is somewhere up around Dawson City probably lost in a big cloud of dust on the Klondike highway & BIG JOHN must still be on his horse down the road from Dogpound somewhere. SANDRA & GORDON are traveling in the Georgian Bay area in Ontario & heading east. RED WING BLACKBIRD

Those are just a few of our traveling RV friends, some of whom we've met & most of whom we haven't. Some of them are traveling & some of them like us are at home for the summer. I liked HOWARD'S blog to-day as they recounted their last 4 years fulltiming & the many camping areas they have been in. It is an interesting read to see how they have rated the places where they have stayed. I liked how he stated their thoughts, feelings, & preferences. They are people like ourselves who like peace & quiet but in their workamping roles I can also sense his frustration at times when having to deal with the fickle public. I would absolutely be no good at that whatsoever anymore..........but there was a time:)) A NEIGHBOR'S BIRDHOUSES

RICK'S blog caught my eye again to-day when I noticed The Bayfield Bunch was in it:)) We have much in common plus the love of RVing. Our traveling habits are a bit different but that is simply what makes everything so interesting. If we all thought alike we would be a planet of cyber clones living in dull lifeless world of fog & ash. When I was looking at one of Rick's pictures from Desert Hot Springs I noticed mountains in the background & wondered if we may have been camped on the other side of that range last January in Borrego Springs. At the end of Rick's post JERRY & SUZY left a comment which got me thinking about another RV traveling phenomena I have experienced. THE BAYFIELD RIVER LAZILY MEANDERS THROUGH THE COUNTRYSIDE ON IT'S LONG SLOW JOURNEY TO LAKE HURON & EVENTUALLY THE SEA

This might sound a bit odd to anyone who has read my constant rumblings & grumblings about our nomad traveling lifestyle in the winter but I do like going back to places we have already been. I like it so much that I have quite a struggle with myself sometimes to head off in new directions to see new things. I have always been a nostalgic creature by nature & really enjoy re-visiting places of pleasant memories. Our first adventure took us to Big Bend State Park in Texas a few years ago & now I would love to go back again. Columbus New Mexico created a lot of memories for us & holds a special part in my heart as well. One of our first RV Park ventures was at HICKIWAN TRAILS in Why, Arizona back in 07 & we did return there in 08 & 09. We really enjoyed that area the first few times there but when we stopped again in 09 it just wasn't quite the same anymore. The newness had worn off for us. The excitement at seeing & doing new things was gone. We stayed one night at Hickiwan which at one time was our favorite place & then rolled out early in the morning in search of new frontiers. But, you know what, I would still like to go back to the Ajo, Why, Organ Pipe Cactus Monument area again because we have so many great memories there. But only long enough to see the mountains & walk the desert floor at Hickiwan, say hello to some old familiar Saguaros & maybe build a few Inukshuks. I seem to bond with things like cactus, mountains, animals, trees, lakes, streams, rocks, shrubs, old buildings, forest pathways, desert trails, & worn out shoes. You know.....all that really important stuff for guys like me. HEY WISEGUY WITH THE CAMERA......I HEAR YA BEEN TAKIN PICTURES OF ME, EH!!

I am drawn like a magnate to old familiar places but I am always equally pulled in the direction of new scenery & new adventures. I live a life of opposing interests that in fact do have something in common. Whether traveling back to old haunts or traveling ahead in search of new frontiers the common thread is.........traveling!! TRAVELING......not sitting around every day like an old tired moss covered rock on a stream bed for months on end!!!!!!!!!!!

Borrego Springs in California is another strong draw for us although this year didn't seem quite as exciting as our first year there but I would still like to go back for a burg & fries at Jilbertos. I can't say Quartzite is a favorite place of mine though. We've been there 3 times in the past few years & if we have to go again I will not be a happy camper. Nothing wrong with Quartzite except for the ka-zillion million people, traffic chaos, zillions of RV's scattered about in the desert, noise, vendors, shoulder to shoulder crowds, etc. etc. When we go there Kelly likes going into town & mixing it up in the madness while & I remain chained to the motorhome for 4 or 5 days!!

Well anyway, I think you kind of get my drift. We are all different folks with different interests but we all have the love of RVing in our blood. We are all fellow travelers happily moving to-gether along the highways & byways of this vast country of ours. Whether you stay in one spot for months at a time or park your buns in a new area every night doesn't matter. If you want to drive along in your underwear, that's cool. If you to paint orange racing stripes on one side of your toad & green squares on the other, that's cool too. If you want to blast Stompin Tom Connors tapes out of your stereo speakers in the middle of nowhere, that's super cool. And if you want to play shrieky Italian Opera on your bass power assisted boombox early in the morning...........well, that is way not cool & you will be sought out & your boombox will be smashed into a ka-zillion million pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GROANER'S CORNER: *Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


THE EYES OF THE GRACKLE ARE UPON ME!! (Kinda reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock's movie, The to enlarge & see the intense stare)

No humidity so we have a mighty fine sunny day going on in the pine forest. Temperatures really dropped last night so it was a good morning for doing some outside things. DOWNIE WOODPECKER FOUND HIMSELF A GRUB

On our walk this morning I came across a perfectly good bird feeder in the recycling area here in the park. Made of wood it is designed to hold Niger seed for finches so I brought it home & that set up the work pattern for the morning. Re-located some feeding stations & added some more things around the pond. All in all, a nice kind of puttering around morning. NORTHERN RED BREASTED NUTHATCH

The feathered air traffic is getting quite heavy at times in our front yard now with many take-offs & landings & I'm fearing a mid air collision. Some flights make a straight in approach while others fly a zig-zag pattern before landing. There have been a few near misses on the runway feeders. Smaller Cessna-like Nuthatch's & Sparrows taxiing on the branches before lift-off are nearly bowled over by air turbulence from larger 747 jumbo Grackles, Robins, & Red Winged Blackbirds coming in on final approach. There are occasional hang gliding Monarch butterflies in the mix as well & our two birdbaths are popular with some of the flights even ending up in the drink. I'm going to have to send an email off to Sesame Street & see if they will let Big Bird come to Bayfield for a few weeks to do Air Traffic Control out here in our front yard. I've got some splints & bandages on the porch just in case we have to dispatch a medi-vac team to a feathery crash site as well. TIGER LILY

As if there wasn't enough air traffic congestion already I'm contemplating adding a hummingbird feeder to the mix shortly which will really ratchet up the action with fast moving ruby throated mini-choppers hovering for air space. Things are really humming along here so to speak. CHIPPING SPARROW

I have also made some other observations since getting into this little front yard bird project a few weeks ago. The birds are getting tamer & I've actually been within a few feet of the feeders & some of the smaller birds have not flown off in a big panic. Another nice benefit is the constant tweet & chitter of many bird songs in our yard. Even in the house now we can hear the chorus of Cardinals, Blue Jays, Goldfinches, Sparrows, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Grosbeaks, Red Wing Blackbirds, Morning Doves, & an occasional Oriole. (I would really like to get a photo of an Oriole) THE GRACKLE LAUCHES HIS ATTACK!!

A mobility van run to Mitchell Ontario was about all that happened this afternoon & I was back home before 6. The birds were waiting for me. And a big hello to my old doggy pals Pearce & Gleeson on the ranch down there in Arizona. Thanks for the email guys & too bad about the heat & lack of rain this summer. Max, Checkers, & the little Motormouse are wagging their tails really fast right now trying to send you down some of this nice cool Canadian air:)) MAX SAYS HELLO TO THE ARIZONA RANCH GANG ON BEHALF OF OF THE BAYFIELD BUNCH GANG UP HERE IN ONTARIO, CANADA.

GROANER'S CORNER: She's happy to make a pair of pants for you, or at least sew its seams.

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009



Since one of my blogs last week I've had a few questions about......Hitch Itch!! For non RV (recreational vehicle) folks the term Hitch-Itch may sound rather medically serious. Let me first tell you that it is not something you need a shot of penicillin for nor is it an actual physical itch. That itchy hitch thing is all in the mind. The hitch part refers to the trailer hitch mounted on the back of a vehicle for towing various types & sizes of camping trailers. Motorhomes are equiped with a hitch for towing a car or truck commonly referred to as a toad. (towed) The itch part of the hitch originates in the brain but does not affect all brains in the same way. In fact some brains are not affected by it at all but for those of us saddled with a severe case of the itch it is a gnawing kind of thing that just kind of eats away at you all the time. Basically speaking it is the desire to move from the location you are presently at to another location where you currently are not. And the more severe the itch, the greater is the desire to keep moving. DOWNEY WOODPECKER

I am almost envious of the people who do not have a problem with hitch itch. (key word there is, almost) They are the ones who leave home, drive to their destination & stay contentedly camped for weeks or months at a time without any desire to move anywhere else. I'm sure these folks experience a degree of hitch itch before leaving or returning home but it is not the kind of itch that pesters those of us with the full blown itch affliction.

I'm OK for about a week or maybe two but by the third week I'm chomping at the bit to see some major scenery changes. Whenever we reach a destination we set up camp & first explore the surrounding area on foot for a couple days & then branch out doing day trips to all points of interest within a reasonable driving distance by car. If we don't care for a particular area we may only stay one night & move out the next day. I don't mind having a rest day every 4 or 5 days but to sit around doing nothing for days on end seems like a total waste of valuable time to me. Nothing like a good old case of hitch itch to help break the repetition of boring mundane days.


Dug out our Colorado Atlas to-day & had me a look at our Mountain Directory guide. The mountain guide is a "must have" book for anyone RVing through the Rocky Mountains. All truck drivers have them. It warns about steep mountain grades, twists, turns, & tells you where the "run-a-way" roads are & in some cases even advises certain types of RV's not to travel the roads. Always good to know where the mountain tunnels are as well. Although the mountains can be scary to drive through they are absolutely beautiful to look at & be a part of. It is probably the mountains I most look forward to seeing each year as we head west & my eyes are generally straining to catch that first glimpse of them as we near the western portion of the long flat plains country. In the spring when we begin our journey home I always have a sense of sadness as I watch them slowly disappear in my side view mirrors. I always wonder if I will ever see them again. We have been traveling about 4 years now & already the mountains are like old faithful friends. They are always there. NUTHATCH

To-day was humid & I very nearly flipped on the A/C. Had I done that it would have only been the second time this whole summer. Kelly & I headed out before 8 & cruised through Bayfield looking for Stella again but to no avail. Her owners are home now & we met them on their bicycles out searching as well. It's looking more & more like she was abducted Friday night by someone in a black Dodge SUV.

Had a short mobility van run earlier this afternoon & then it was back home to try my luck at photographing a few more birds in the front yard. Even did a bit of watering in the flower beds. The bird's really seemed to enjoy the erractic rain showers........................

GROANER'S CORNER: I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup to me.

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Monday, August 03, 2009



Another quiet morning that lent itself to a peaceful motorcycle ride in the country. Sky looked dark & unpredictable to the northwest so after picking up some groceries in Goderich I turned back & headed for home. Not a lot of groceries of course because saddle bags don't hold too much. Kept an eye to the sky all the way back because belly swampin rain clouds can form out over the lake & come roaring ashore without a lot of notice so didn't want to get caught in a deluge of water. Been there, done that, not nice!! MAX'S NOSE IN THE AIR.....PROBABLY PICKED UP A DEER SCENT

Kelly phoned & said a lady had spotted Stella on a street near the lake so I headed over there but didn't see anything. Kelly was already cruising the neighborhood & putting more "missing" posters up. CANADIAN THISTLE

I had a mobility van run to London this afternoon but was back home again by 5:30. After supper we once more drove around in the area Stella had been spotted but didn't see anything. Needle in a haystack. We'll go again early in the morning because the lady said that's when she has been seeing a stray dog which she identified as Stella from the picture on the poster Kelly made up. Stella's owners will be home to-morrow so maybe they will have better luck in finding her. Ontario Provincial Police just called saying a dog wearing a green life jacket had washed ashore just north of Bayfield but from the description, it wasn't Stella. Must have fallen overboard from one of the many boats out there. Sad:(( COULD THIS BE AN INDIGO BUNTING??

Came across a completely blue colored bird in the forest this morning. Made a chip-chip sound like a Chipping Sparrow but that's not what it was. Managed to get a few pictures in the dim light at 200mm. My beginner's bird book leaves a little bit to be desired so I'm thinking I'll have to invest in a good Peterson Field Guide book. My uneducated guess as to the make of bird would be an Indigo Bunting. Some of you folks out there might remember John from John & Brenda's Incredible Adventure travel blog this past winter. Well, John has surfaced again with a new blog & you can currently find him, his horse Blue, & dog Meg trekking around out in the back 40 somewhere on his ranch in Alberta. John's a good tracker because he managed to track down the Bayfield Bunch last winter in Quartzite, Arizona. He found us camped on the fringe of literally thousands of RV's in the desert. No easy feat I'm sure but no problem for a true cowboy. You can find John riding the outback here......JOHNOur windy day reminded me of our winter travels in the southwest where the winds are strong enough to blow the stripes right off Zebras.......if there was any there. Might have been years ago but after having their stripes blown off the local ranchers & cowboys just figured they was short stocky white horses from Canada or something....................:)) I WAS A BIT OUT OF FOCUS HERE IN THE DIM LIGHT BUT AT LEAST MY CAMERA FLASH LIT HIM UP OK

GROANER'S CORNER: As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on 280 Interstate. Please be careful!" "It's not just one car," said Herman. "It's hundreds of them!"

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Sunday, August 02, 2009



No luck finding Stella again to-day so we're beginning to think someone may have taken her. We did have a scare this morning when Kelly phoned the Bayfield Garage to inquire if any motorists stopping in may have mentioned anything about a dog. The young fellow answering the phone said there was a black colored dog lying dead on the shoulder of the highway across from the service station. There was little doubt in our minds that it was going to be Stella so I put a tarp in the van & we headed into Bayfield. I saw the body on the east side of the road but as I went by to turn around I thought it looked too small for Stella. I was right, it wasn't her but we felt bad for the poor dog & it's owners just the same. Kelly phoned the animal control fellow to inform him of the dog's location. SMALL RED ARROWS POINT TO BIRDFEEDER STATIONS

I returned home & Kelly went to Deer Park Lodge for the day & did up a bunch of "missing" posters. Stella's owner's son put them up around Bayfield this afternoon. Kelly also called a local radio station (The Beach 104.9) & they were kind enough to make several annoucements on the radio. I drove around Bayfield 3 different times plus went down to the beach but Stella was no where to be found. We are beginning to think that somebody has probably picked her up & kept her. It's a long holiday week-end here in Canada & Bayfield is bustling with thousands of tourists. The fact that no calls have come in to the animal control people or police doesn't bode well for her being found. We will continue our seach.................... STELLA.....PHONE HOME!! (Stella is a year old)

Great weather day so took the motorcycle for a spin up to Goderich for my 10 o'clock coffee. Picked up a Finch birdfeeder at Canadian Tire & headed home. We now have 7 feeder stations including 2 suet cages. Spent a few relaxing hours on the front porch reading my bird books, enjoying the weather, & watching the antics of the Blue Jays, Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Finches, Sparrows, & Chickadees. No sign of the rascally Chipmunks though. Figured because it's Sunday the Chippys were home relaxing & spending the day with their families. I wished the neighbor with his noisy lawn mower would have been considerate enough to do the same!! Would be nice if everyone could set aside their petty religious differences & feuds & all agree to at least have one quiet day of the week. Maybe just call it Family Day or something.........................well, I guess that is never going to happen!!!! DO YOU THINK WE HAVE ENOUGH TOYS FOR OUR 3 FURRY AMIGOS

Groaner's Corner: A prisoner's favorite punctuation mark is the period. It marks the end of his sentence.

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.

Saturday, August 01, 2009



It's going to be a short blog. Last night around 7 our friends 1 year old part Burmese Mountain/German Shepherd dog went missing from George Street in Bayfield. Her name is Stella & we have been out looking for her to-night. I searched the beach area & harbor this afternoon but to no avail. Many trips around the streets of Bayfield but nobody has seen her. Our friends are in Quebec for the week-end & a teen-age son had been left in charge of things. Kelly has phoned the local vets, police, & animal control people but no luck so far. We will resume our search to-morrow. Stella is black with a brown face, very friendly, & playful. If anyone reading this in our area spots her just email us or phone Deerpark Lodge. Kelly will be there all day to-morrow. FLOWERS ALONG THE ROAD & A MARTIN HOUSE

GROANER'S CORNER: When the cannibal showed up late to the luncheon, they gave him the cold shoulder.

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL