Our weather has just been unbelievably nice this week and it is what perfect Autumn daydreams are made of. The magic is in the air once again and how fortunate for we folks who live in these northern latitudes to experience this beautiful change of Seasons every year. If I lived in the South I would schedule my vacations for the first weeks of October just to be a part of Autumns majestic days here in the great Province of Ontario.
Had a question about our personal travel insurance. Our Canadian Health Insurance does not cover Canadians when traveling out of country so it is necessary for Canadian travelers to purchase additional and extended medical coverage for the length of time we travel. Due to age and medical problems I would venture to say that it is high insurance costs that eventually end the travels of many aging RV'ers.

Here's something that really bugs me....'Giggle Girls'. I am in the habit of turning on CNN news for a bit early each morning to see what ongoing messes the world has got itself into overnight. CNN has decided to go with a couple women anchors for the newscasts and I'm sure they have been infused with the 'Happy Gang' approach to anchoring the morning news. Nothing personally against the ladies but that giggling, flouncing, and animated over the top laughing banter is annoying. Yes, I know, just change the channel. I like a news format, either radio or television, with a single announcer delivering a straight forward, factual and giggleless newscast. NBC's Brian Williams comes to mind as the right way of doing things.

Tonight the Bayfield Bunch welcomes CAROLYN AND GERALD aboard our Blog Followers list. Read your two recent posts folks and am hoping everything turns out well for you. All the best.
We normally receive about two dozen Spam emails a day in our Hotmail account. There was a time when all these Spams were in English. It is now a rarity to see an English speaking spam email come in and I would almost welcome one I could understand. Probably 98% of the Spams are in those oriental characters so am assuming they are all coming from China.
Managed to get my travel Mojo working again today as I busied myself cleaning Motor Home windows. Took a few pics of our caulking and undercoating jobs as well. And, it is now official….we will not be leaving October 15th for the 4 Corners area of Colorado as previously planned. Best guess for getting out of here is now sometime late October or early November and we will probably just head straight for southern Arizona and California. Maybe next year for the Four Corners…………………..


'Never leave home without it'. I remember that credit card commercial years ago but for me it means something different. Just as Roman soldiers strapped on their swords in the morning and Cowboys strapped on their guns, I too strap on something each morning, but it isn't a gun or sword. It's my camera. One of the main reasons for buying my compact Canon Powershot SX210IS digital camera this past winter was to give me easy access to a camera throughout the day. It conveniently sits in a small holster type pouch on my belt just about where the Cowboys of yesteryear carried their shooting irons. Convenient and out of the way. However, I don't think there was ever a Cowboy out there who strapped on his gun and holster......upside down!!!!

Well, I did just that a few days ago and walked around all morning wearing my camera holster upside down with camera inside just waiting to tumble out onto the ground. Luckily, I am in the habit of zipping up both sides of my belt's camera pouch and that is what saved the camera from a nasty fall. Another lucky break for AL. Say, has anyone out there ever put their underwear on backwards:))

GROANER'S CORNER:(( Mike was driving down a lonely country road one cold winter day in Montana when it began to sleet pretty heavily. His windows were getting icy and the wiper blades on his yellow Jeep Wrangler were badly worn and quickly fell apart under the strain.
Unable to drive any further because of the ice building up on his front window he suddenly had a great idea. He stopped and began to overturn large rocks until he located two very lethargic hibernating rattle snakes. He grabbed them up, straightened them out flat and installed them on his blades and they worked just fine.
‘What!!’……. Janna said, “You've never heard of . . . wind chilled vipers.”
-Tourists see the world, travelers experience it.
-Until one has loved an Animal, their soul remains un-awakened.
OUR PICASA PHOTO ALBUMS http://picasaweb.google.com/stargeezerguy
The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...AL.