The first paragraph below is what I had written Monday afternoon for Monday's post but after reading it over Monday I decided not to post it. Therefore, no Monday post. I was going to delete it this morning and then decided to leave it in today's post as a precursor to yesterday and today. It shows how my 'bank account' issue was the catalyst that with all the emotional issues over this past month and beyond, culminated in pushing me over the emotional edge.
(Written Monday) I thought I lost Pheebs this morning when around 9 a.m. with a whimper she suddenly fell to the living room floor against my feet at the base of my recliner. I quickly got up and she was laying there not moving. I thought she'd had a heart attack. I got down on the floor petting and talking to her. I thought these were our last moments together. About half a minute later her eyes fluttered open so I knew she wasn't gone. I laid down on the floor beside her petting her and talking to her. I know she can't hear me, but I can hear me and she knows if my lips are moving, I'm talking to her. We stayed there on the floor about twenty minutes and twice she lifted her head and wagged her tail a couple times. Then, she began moving and I could tell she wanted to get up so I helped her onto her feet. She slowly walked around the living room with no wobbles or signs of weakness. When she rested her head on the couch I knew that meant she was looking for a snack. I quickly got her one and she ate it. Next, I fixed her up some breakfast and she ate most of that. She was back to normal. I debated whether to take her to Goderich with me or not. I had to go to the bank because I had been locked out of our banking site. I decided it would be better for her to stay home and rest. So, off to Goderich I went, and little did I know that the stress level for me was about to ramp up big time to a point where by this afternoon I would be feeling physically sick. A teller at the bank confused me with some mumbo jumbo smartphone stuff (not her fault...mine) and finally seeing that I was a hopeless case, and with a line-up behind me, suggested I phone the bank number on the back of my credit card. I came home feeling depressed like an old bag of dirt and the day just got worse from there. Most people I know wouldn't have found this bank site problem a big deal but it was a major event for me. I steeled myself with as much calm as I could muster and dialed the 1-800 number on the back of the card. As suspected from watching Kelly have to do this over the years, I sat there with our home phone to my ear for one hour and ten minutes having this horribly annoying and obnoxious noise in my ear all the time that some dumbass there had programmed in as music. What a horrible insult to 'music'. Finally, a man came on and I spent the best part of another half hour or more with him trying his best to help. Things only deteriorated and in the end, I was locked out of our banksite even worse than before. This time the screen said something about a security issue!! In desperation, he finally said, 'Because of security reasons you will have to go back to your local branch'. (Goderich) By this time I was so upset that I was shaking and feeling physically sick. I tried to find a phone number to call the Goderich branch to insist they do something but of course, the number I called kept routing me back through the bank system where a voice said the waiting time would be 45 minutes. At that point, I knew how a volcano feels seconds before it erupts and blows its stack. I paced up and down the hall trying to get myself calmed down. And then, I sat down and wrote this paragraph. It was the only release I had for my anger. I was at a point right then where I didn't want to see anybody or talk to anybody and I figured the next person I saw or heard that says, 'oh there's nothing to it', it's so simple, it's all so easy peasy that a two-year-old could do this online smartphone banking stuff, that I'm going to give that person such a slap!!!!!!! So here I am, not only dead in the water but now I'm upside down in the water too!! And the rent payment is due right now as well. Sorry folks, this was the only way of venting my anger and frustration this afternoon. I had seriously considered not posting anything tonight (Monday) but writing has always been a release for me over the years and I had to somehow bleed off some of this frustrated anger. I will drive back to the bank in the morning and this time ''demand' that somebody take the time out of their supposedly 'busy day' to help me with this online bank account mess I am in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Tuesday) I returned to the bank this morning as soon as they opened. A really nice patient lady there tried her best to help and did show me on the iPhone where to find those 'verification' numbers needed for online banking. She then turned me over to another nice lady who was helpful as well. I was hoping they could fix things for me right there at the bank but they couldn't. Something about how the fix would have to be done at my own desktop computer. If I thought I was stressed out before, I was really stressed out now. Being on the phone trying to take techy directions from someone on the other end who often doesn't speak English clearly has always been a big nightmare for me. So, I came home and again steeled myself for a 'stressful' call to the bank's security division probably somewhere in Toronto or Montreal or the other side of the world somewhere. Luckily my weight time was only 20 minutes and I got a fellow with a slight accent on there who tried his best to help but finally turned me over to a different department and a really nice plain English-speaking lady who turned out to be so patient with me and instrumental in keeping me calm. I think she is their go-to specialist person who deals with major diskaboobleated people. And, that was me. She must have been working from home because I could hear dogs barking in the background. Being a dog person myself, that was a good sign. I was so nervous and frustrated that I could see my fingers shaking while trying over the next half hour to follow her instructions and type in long and short numbers where needed. When nothing was working out probably because my shakey fingers were pressing the wrong keys, I reached a point where in sheer frustration I just wanted to give up on the whole thing. But luckily, this very nice lady was not about to give up on me. Now, I'm going to say something not very manly here but after all my emotions being torn to shreds these past months, and after trying so many fixes for this bank account, she had me try one more thing, and all of a sudden 'WALLA', my unencumbered bank account popped right up on the screen and I burst into tears. It was like I had a thousand pounds lifted off my shoulders. She saved me from 'a long walk off a short pier' (old high school saying) When ending the phone call minutes later she laughingly said, 'Now you go and have yourself a well-deserved rest'. And, I in my shaky voice said to her, 'Now you go and give those doggies a big hug', And, she was still laughing as we said goodbye. I will always remember that helpful lady, her barking dogs, her patience, and her well-meaning inspirational laugh:))

Sooooo, that brings me up to today.....With the past two mornings having to go the bank in Goderich first thing, Pheebs didn't get out for her morning car ride so off us two bums went. Even though it was cloudy and cold I had an extra little bit of bounce in my step and most of all, I had some hope. I even felt like looking for a few photos again. And, by the way, Pheebs has been perfectly fine since her medical incident Monday morning.

There was a cold drizzle in the air this morning but at least the roads were bare. Looked like a light accumulation of snow had come down overnight the further east we went down Bayfield River Road to Parr Line. Went north on Parr for a few miles snapping a few pics then made a U-turn back to Bayfield River Road. Looked foggy ahead and I knew that was snow. Minutes later, sleet pelted the windshield and by the time we arrived home, tender snowflakes were drifting lazily out of the sky. Backing Subie into the carport I noticed the snow had stopped, and that was the end of any more snow for the rest of the day. I busied myself inside today doing more cleaning and reorganizing of a few things in the kitchen area. Did some laundry, did some dishes, and rustled myself up a bowl of Jerry Rader's 'Cream of Chicken Soup'. This stuff is really good. I liked it better than the Beef Lasagna' I tried a few days ago. I'm not a big cheese or pasta person. Peanut Butter works best for me:))
Well, here we are at the start of a brand new year and it feels like a breath of fresh air as 2024 slips quietly away through the fog and mist to the annals of time. And, what are my plans for the future!! That's easy.....One Day At A Time.

Al's Music Box:)) Ventura Highway is a 1972 song by the band America from their album Homecoming, written by Dewey Bunnell. Bunnell, the song's vocalist and writer, has said that the lyric "alligator lizards in the air" in the song is a reference to the shapes of clouds in the sky he saw in 1963 while his family was driving down the coast from Vandenberg Air Force Base near Lompoc, California where they had a flat tire. While his father changed the tire, he and his brother stood by the side of the road, watched the clouds, and saw a road sign for Ventura. In the booklet for the boxed set, Highway, he states that the song "reminds me of the time I lived in Omaha as a kid and how we'd walk through cornfields and chew on pieces of grass. There were cold winters, and I had images of going to California. So I think in the song I'm talking to myself, frankly: 'How long you gonna stay here, Joe?' I really believe that 'Ventura Highway' has the most lasting power of all my songs. It's not just the words — the song and the track have a certain fresh, vibrant, optimistic quality that I can still respond to". The song has a "Go West, young man" motif in the structure of a conversation between an old man named Joe and a young and hopeful kid. Joe was modeled after a "grumpy" old man he had met while his dad was stationed in Biloxi, Mississippi, at Keesler Air Force Base. He also stated "I remember vividly having this mental picture of the stretch of the coastline traveling with my family when I was younger. Ventura Highway itself, there is no such beast, what I was really trying to depict was the Pacific Coast Highway, Highway 1, which goes up to the town of Ventura." "That's Gerry and Dan doing a harmony on two guitars on the intro. I remember us sitting in a hotel room, and I was playing the chords, and Gerry got that guitar line, and he and Dan worked out that harmony part. That's really the hook of the song". Record World said that the "threesome come out of the desert and onto the road in this refreshing number that features those great harmonies and acoustic guitars." The song went to number 8 on the Billboard Hot 100 for America, spending 12 weeks on the charts after debuting on October 21, 1972. The song contains the phrase "purple rain", later the title of the 1984 song, album, film and tour, from the artist Prince. Whether any connection actually exists, both Mikel Toombs of The San Diego Union and Bob Kostanczuk of the Post-Tribune have written that Prince got the title directly from "Ventura Highway". Asked to explain the phrase "purple rain" in "Ventura Highway," Gerry Beckley responded: "You got me." The song won many fans, including the pro wrestler-turned-politician, Jesse Ventura. Bunnell recalled, "We went and played at Governor Jesse Ventura's inaugural out in Minneapolis. He asked us to — his wife is a horse lady, and she'd always loved 'A Horse with No Name', and he had adopted this name Ventura. So when he put together his cast of characters for his big inaugural celebration, he wanted us to come and play two songs, which we did".

GROANER'S CORNER:(( A Scottish lad and lass were sitting together on a heathery hill in the Highlands. They had been silent for a while, then the lass said, "A penny for your thoughts." The lad was a bit abashed, but he finally said, "Well, I was thinkin' how nice it would be if ye'd give me a wee bit of a kiss." So she did so. But he again lapsed into a pensive mood which lasted long enough for the lass to ask him, "What are ye thinkin' now?" To which the lad replied: "Well, I was hopin' ye hadn't forgotten the penny!"---------------------------------------
- At the cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" The other replied "Yes, I am, I married the wrong man."
On New Year's Eve, Patty stood up in the local bar and said that it was time to get ready. At the stroke of midnight, she wanted everyone to be standing next to the one person who made their life worth living. As the clock struck 12, chaos erupted as the bartender was almost crushed to death.
One day a fisherman was lying on a beautiful beach, with his fishing pole propped up in the sand and his solitary line cast out into the sparkling blue surf. He was enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun and the prospect of catching a fish.
About that time, a businessman came walking down the beach, trying to relieve some of the stress of his workday. He noticed the fisherman sitting on the beach and decided to find out why this fisherman was fishing instead of working harder to make a living for himself and his family.
"You aren't going to catch many fish that way," said the businessman to the fisherman, "you should be working rather than lying on the beach!" The fisherman looked up at the businessman, smiled and replied, "And what will my reward be?"
"Well, you can get bigger nets and catch more fish!" was the businessman's answer.
"And then what will my reward be?" asked the fisherman, still smiling. The businessman replied, "You will make money and you'll be able to buy a boat, which will then result in larger catches of fish!" "And then what will my reward be?" asked the fisherman again. The businessman was beginning to get a little irritated with the fisherman's questions. "You can buy a bigger boat, and hire some people to work for you!" he said. "And then what will my reward be?" repeated the fisherman.The businessman was getting angry. "Don't you understand? You can build up a fleet of fishing boats, sail all over the world, and let all your employees catch fish for you!" Once again the fisherman asked, "And then what will my reward be?"
The businessman was red with rage and shouted at the fisherman, "Don't you understand that you can become so rich that you will never have to work for your living again! You can spend all the rest of your days sitting on this beach, looking at the sunset. You won't have a care in the world!" The fisherman, still smiling, looked up and said, "And what do you think I'm doing right now?"
Al's Doggy World
Kelly's Corner
Al's Art Gallery
You have my fullest sympathy dealing with banks, online banking and smartphones! Thanks a lot for that patient lady! Wonderful pictures of Kelly by the way. Furry Gnome
ReplyDeletePatience is key. I know it sounds simple but it is still true. Patience and persistence with breaks in between if necessary but you will get there. After all, Kelly did it. Right? And you are smarter than you think, my friend. Congrats on a job well done. Kelly would be proud of you.
ReplyDeletePlease get Pheebs checked out. She deserved it.
Be well. Happy New Year.
I totally understand your feelings regarding the bank, etc. So glad you finally got a patient and understanding person to help you. As for Pheebs, I wonder if she had a momentary lapse of oxygen to the brain and passed out. So glad she is OK. I love the photos of Kelly. Wishing you the best in the New Year Al. (Bev, Nanaimo)
ReplyDeleteHey Al, when I have trouble with apps like you, after I get someone to help me and before they hang up, I have them reviews the steps they took me through while I write them down. Next time I need help, I review my notes before I call again.
ReplyDeleteGene in Ohio
That's what I do too. I write down the steps in my own words. I can totally relate to your frustration Al and I am a lot younger than you are. Keep breathing when it gets stressful. We are rooting for you!
DeleteOh my gosh, I was incredulous that you described so eloquently what so many have gone thru with customer service! But you did it! What a rough couple days. I’m so glad Pheebs made a recovery…poor old girl.i too enjoy feeling refreshed at the new year…thanks for keeping us in the loop…Peggy in Oregon
ReplyDeleteOh Al, I'm so glad you decided to include your paragraph from Monday. I got tears in my eyes about Pheebs & your sweet loving care of her thru her scary incident. Kelly must have sent her back you - this was not the time for Pheebs to leave you. As for the financial situation - you might decide to NOT do online banking. For myself - I am in 2 credit unions & 1 bank. I refuse to do online banking with any of them (mostly for security reasons). I use old school checks, debit & credit cards - and I quit using ATM machines too. If I need a pile of money or have a question - I drive there & see a teller. They serve free coffee & cookies & everyone is kind & calls me by my first name. You will figure out what's best for you. And, I am so glad the sweet lady with the dogs came to your rescue. You have been thru so much - I really admire all your strength & pray for You & Pheebs daily.
ReplyDeleteAl, online banking surely stinks, the banks will keep you like a pin-pon ball back & forth from extension # to another extension # & so on & so on !!😡😡😡. Glad U found a nice & helpful lady. Happy New Year to you & sweet Pheebs. Now that your account difficulties were solved perhaps taking Pheebs to her doctor will be good, she may be having 'transient ischemic attacks' ( precursors of a stroke ). U may want to ask Contessa about it.
ReplyDelete(Kawartha Gal)
ReplyDeleteSorry you had such a rough time with the banking and the scare with Pheebs. Glad the nice lady was able to help you out. Heard that old saying many times at our house in years gone by. 😊
Take care, and you have that right….One Day at a Time
I can sympathize and identify with you and all us older folks, regarding new I phones and online banking - my daughter has to help me figure out the I phone, and even balancing my bank account has gotten more difficult with online bill pay. And is sounds like Pheebs may have had a seizure.... I had a 20 year old cat who started having seizures, and phenobarbital worked for a while, then even that did not help, and she became paralyzed and could not walk. She was finally euthanized by a vet, and it broke my heart.
ReplyDeleteI've been working with hubby a year now with our banking. He does good and other times don't. Wishing you the best and make notes.
ReplyDeleteAl, it was good to see your blog tonight.
ReplyDeleteThanks for always being so authentic.
Tonite’s photos of Kelly are just so beautiful.
Thank goodness you have such fond memories and these wonderful photos.
She is / and always will be beautiful and will always be in your heart.
about Pheebs: does she / could she possibly be suffering from hip dysplasia?
I know she’s not a lab, but our three labs had hip dysplasia, and one of them had a
Couple of “moments” like this.
Blessings to the both of you.
p.s. Could totally relate to your online banking fiasco. I too, had a patient bank employee
“Rescue” me after a few scenarios like you went through. There ARE still a few good
Customer-Service-Oriented / People-Oriented Great Employees Out There.
Some even with doggos!
Exactly! Know exactly what you went through. We seniors do--and continue to--get roadblocks like that with tech. I'm so glad you found a really really nice and kind lady to help you. Lovely that you could understand her. I am so sick of phoning 1-800 numbers only to get "Press 1 for English...". NO! You folks on the end of the phone should be able to be understood! So glad that Pheebs is fine and had a momentary issue. Good that you were home and noticed it.
ReplyDeleteTomorrow, just to remember the process, open up your phone and bank account again...just to remember how to do it, and then log out. Maybe do it 2 or 3 times more until it's second nature. Proud of you for getting the hang of it.
Be well, my friend. Barb M.
You are amazing and a tough dude! So glad you explained your Monday fiasco and frustration and know that you are definitely not alone with this new-fangled technology. I know I've shed tears over trying to figure things out by myself. You've received some good suggestions above and especially log in and out of your bank account just for practice and write things down. Lovely photos of Kelly and enjoyed all your photos. My best to you and Pheebs!
ReplyDeleteWriting things out to clear your head seems to be the best thing for you right now.
ReplyDeleteAnd we are here to listen.
Keep writing.
We care.
Lovely photos tonight and especially the ones of vibrant Kelly. Really nice.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that perhaps Miss Pheebs had a mini-stroke (TIA). Might be a good idea to have her vet give her a check up.
So proud of you in dealing with the online banking issue. I feel it is very difficult for so many of "us" seniors in today's hi-tech world trying to resolve issues with banks. In my opinion, customer service has gone out the window and you were fortunate to end up with someone who spoke proper English and was able to assist you. Take care and stay strong.
God bless the woman that
ReplyDeletehelped you access your
bank account.Thank God
Pheebs is alright.You
have been through very
difficult times recently,I pray things get and stay
easier for you & Pheebs
Loved dog saying please always be kind to me,I copied it and emailed it
Deletemyself -Mary
Al we are all just taking it one day at a time- tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone. Is there anyway to simplify your bill paying? I have our water, electric and cellphone bills set up as autopay with each of the companies. I get a text or email about 2 weeks ahead of the day it will be deducted from my checking account. That way I have time to contact the company if I have a question and know exactly the date it will be deducted from my account. I like to try to make it as simple as possible for these monthly expenses that I know I am going to pay. Mary Lou in TN
ReplyDeleteAl, there may be an app on your laptop called "Quick Assist." It allows another person to log into your laptop with you in order to see your screen and to even "do" things for you. My aunt was in your position when my uncle passed. I have helped her using Quick Assist over the past couple of years to teach her how to do things on her laptop like pay bills, check bank accounts, etc. Even helped her with her iPhone some - how to see notification text messages, etc. Walked her through printing from emails, changing the printer cartridges, sending attachments in email and so forth. If you have someone you trust (relative, friend) to do this, it may be a very helpful way to get help you become comfortable with taking care of business on your laptop, not to mention reducing your stress level. This has helped my aunt considerably, and she's much more comfortable with her machine. I'm glad Pheebs is feeling better!
ReplyDeleteLoved the pictures of Kelly. Please take Pheebs to the doctor. Hopefully, there is nothing serious, but the doctor may be able to him. Just something to think about for next winter. I would like to visit the southwest next winter, but could use some company. I have room for you, Pheebs and your easy chair. I could stop by your place and we could head west one more time. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteOh...I love Doug's comment.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you got that Internet banking situation sorted out. Hope next time you won't have any trouble getting in. Just keep your cool :-) Nice photos of Kelly!!
ReplyDeleteawww what a relentless process you had to go thru Al. I'm sorry you had to go through that. People, if you are still partnered up and haven't sat down with your significant other, who handles these things, please do before one of you departs. You till thank yourself later.
ReplyDeleteI also love Dougs comment. Hoping Pheebs is OK.
ReplyDeleteI heartily sympathise with your struggle with banking (or any) technology.
ReplyDeleteApart from the grief of losing my husband 5 years ago, technology has been my biggest stressor. I get so nervous I can’t think straight.
My Late Wife: 30+ years with Bank of America. It took me 2.5 years to access her checking account. You are not alone, there are probably Bazillions of us out here.
ReplyDeleteRide the Rodeo and Rock&Roll on!