Sunday, August 04, 2024


Another fine sunny Sunday morning as we continue to plod our way towards Autumn's much-anticipated cooler and less humid bug-free air.  A month from now we will be standing on the doorstep of my favorite time of year.  

It was probably the shortest morning car ride Pheebs and I have ever taken.  Rolled out of our driveway around 9 a.m. but only a couple of miles down the road I didn't feel like going any farther.  Turned around and came home.  Spent the rest of the day inside out of the muggy air.

Kelly called around 9 Saturday night saying she had just been brought back from X-ray.  She is still having pain in her swollen abdomen and with that pain not lessening they decided to do more X-rays.  I wished they would hurry up and find out why Kelly's abdomen is so bloated......Dr. Hudson, her liver doctor popped in to see her this morning and again affirmed that she is very, very, high on the liver transplant list right now.  They just need the right liver to become available.  How great this would be if it happened when she was right there in the hospital.

All and all it was an up-and-down day for Kelly.  Saturday afternoon she was able to get up and do some walking in the hall but this morning she had both back and rib pain.  She has not been able to eat much and again is feeling weak and tired.  Thankfully, the loud aggressive guy in her room was released this morning.  One of the other men was released also and the third guy was away for the day.  Kelly had the whole room to herself.  Her company,  Sabra, Rebecca, Ricardo, and Ella arrived late in the day.  It had been about a year since seeing Rebecca, Ella, and Ricardo.  She said 'little' Ella is now taller than her Mother.  They had a great visit with a lot of catching up to do.        


Al's Music Box:))  Shepherd Moons is the third studio album by Irish singer, songwriter and musician Enya, released on 4 November 1991. After the unexpected critical and commercial success of her previous album 'Watermark' (1988), Enya embarked on a worldwide promotional tour to support it. At its conclusion, she wrote and rehearsed new material for her next album with her long time recording partners, manager, arranger and producer Nicky Ryan and his wife, lyricist Roma Ryan. The album was recorded in Ireland and London and continued to display Enya's sound of multi-tracked vocals with keyboards and elements of Celtic and new-age music.   In 1993, the album won Enya a Grammy Award for Best New Age Album, the first of four she has won in her career. It was reissued in 1992 and 2009.  

GROANER'S CORNER:((  Three guys go in for a job interview, all at the same office. The first one goes in for his interview and the interviewer says, "What's the first thing you see when you look at me?"  The guy says, "That's not too hard, you've got no ears."  The now angry interviewer says, "Get out, you'll never be seen around here again."  The second man takes his turn and is asked the same question. The applicant replies, "Uh, you've got no ears." The interviewer throws the guy out, cursing and yelling that he'll never get a job with his company.  As he is leaving, the second guy warns the third guy, "Listen man, whatever you do, don't say he hasn't got any ears. He's so touchy with the ear thing."  "Okay," said man #3 on his way into the office.  Once inside he is told, "Name the first thing you notice when you look at me."  The guy answers, "That's easy, you wear contacts."  The interviewer was impressed, "How on earth did you know that, son?"  Well, you certainly can't wear glasses  because you've got no ears!"


- I finally watched a documentary on clocks.  It was about time!!

- The Doctor said I had high nitrates so I'm switching to day rates.

- My wife told me to put ketchup on the shopping list.  Now I can't read anything!!


You might be a redneck if...

Motel 6 turns off the lights when they see you coming.

There are more dishes in your sink than in your cabinets.

You think a turtleneck is a key ingredient in soup.

Your anniversary present was getting the septic tank pumped.

Your local ambulance has a trailer hitch.

You watch cartoons long after your kids get bored.

You think the French Riviera is a foreign car.

You think you are an entrepreneur because of the "Dirt for Sale" sign in the front yard.

You're still scalping tickets after the concert is over.



  1. It's nice to see Kelly smiling with her family,
    Hang in there Al cooler weather is on the way,I hope you and Pheebs have a nice night -Mary

  2. A great family photo and prayers for Kelly that a liver is available soon.

  3. Hope she gets some relief soon, ideally from a brand new liver, or at least through the TIPS thing.

  4. Beautiful smiles....Beautiful women.


    Kathy R.

  6. Great picture of the ladies! I am always amazed at how much Ella looks like her mom! For sure they were good company for Kelly, And, a good thing that she had the room to herself.

  7. Great picture of her family. I hope there is a new liver in her immediate future. Take care, Al.

  8. Love Kelly's happy smile surrounded by her girls. What a boost for her morale. Ella is quite the young lady and I am sure she will break many hearts in the days ahead. Prayers continue.

  9. I'm glad Kelly got a visit from the ladies. :) Still praying for that liver.
