Saturday, August 03, 2024


Another muggy morning but Pheebs and I made it out to our country road walking spot and nearly got our whole half mile in.  Pheebs led the way and at one point went running past me so fast I thought I was doing a Michael Jackson Moonwalk sideways.  Home again, I dropped her off and told her to hold the fort until I got back.  And, with that, I was on my to London's University Hospital to see Kelly.  Because it was Saturday, traffic was light and how nice when I got there to find oodles of parking spaces in the usually overflowing parking garage.  When I walked through the hospital's lobby I was the only one there.  Not even anyone waiting for an elevator or six dozen people in the elevator when the door opened.  Got myself temporarily lost looking for Kelly's room but I found it with some help from hospital staff.  Kelly was laying on her bed resting.  Well, I guess there really isn't anything else to do while in a hospital bed but rest eh.  She wasn't surprised to see me because she knew I was coming and I had a bag full of stuff she had wanted me to bring.  It's really too bad she is in a crowded room with three other people and all of them men.  The guy on the other side of the curtain is one of those typical loud-aggressive self-centered inconsiderate, me-me-me man jerks playing loud music and noisy techy talks on his phone.  No consideration for anyone else in the room!!!!


Kelly has been too weak to try and get herself down to the third-floor cafeteria this time for a Tim Hortons coffee so a nurse dropped a wheelchair off and unhooked Kelly from her IV tree.  I was able to get her loaded up and away we went.  (Luckily, I have lots of wheelchair pushing experience from my days driving a wheelchair van:)) Down the hall, around a couple corners to the elevator then down five floors to the cafeteria floor whereupon after navigating a few hallways, we snagged a coffee and a couple Tim bits in the cafeteria.  I think it's more of a Food Court than a Cafeteria.  From there, it was back to the empty elevator we went and zoomed (almost like an Amusement Park's 'Tilt-a-whirl' ride for Seniors) up to the eighth floor to a lounge area right across from the elevators.  We sat here talking for a while but Kelly was only able to eat one of her two Tim bits and drink only half her coffee.  Because she was unhooked from her IV tree the nurse wanted her back in her room in half an hour. so, back to the elevator we went, pressed the down button and climbed aboard the empty elevator.  I pressed the eighth floor button and the button light came on and went out.  Oh-Oh!!  I pressed the eighth floor button on the other side of the door and again the light blinked and went out.  Nothing!!  Damn fangled modern technology!!  And then it dawned on both of us at the same time.....we already were on the eighth floor!!!!  With red faces, we quietly exited the elevator and headed down the hall, around the two corners and back to Kelly's room.  We weren't there five minutes when lunch arrived.  Kelly ate very little of it and I brought home most of it......Kelly said Dr. Hudson had been in earlier this morning to talk to her.  They are thinking about putting a feeding tube in her nose.  Basically, right now they are waiting for her to begin bleeding again so that they can right away take her for a cat-scan to find the source of the bleeding.  Kelly said Dr. Hudson admitted they are baffled about the bleeding.  Despite all this, Kelly's fighting spirit is back and she remains positive about the future.  Tomorrow, her daughter Sabra along with her other daughter Rebecca, husband Ricardo, and daughter Ella are coming to see her.  Ricardo, Rebecca, and Ella are back from Spain for a month-long visit before returning home to Spain again.


Here is an interesting article about Kelly's surgeon Dr. Scaro and his team who will be doing Kelly's liver transplant eventually.  New Technique .................. I called Aunt Jean last night and she is doing much better than a couple weeks ago.  Her appetite is slowly returning and she has been taking a few short walks in the hall outside her room.  Her good friend Pat picked her up one day last week and they went back to Pat's for a steak supper.  The main problem she is still having is tiredness.  She's not in her new room yet but it could be any day now.             

A Blast From Our Past:)) Reading something Friday night I was reminded of a post I wrote years ago on August 6th of 2012. It was called A Motorcycle Tale.  It's a short story about the day I rode a motorcycle for the very first time.  I was 49 years old, I was in traffic, and I was scared.  Oh, and I was also in a cemetery too...........

Al's Music Box:(( Joy To The World  is a 1971 song by American band Three Dog Night and was taken from their fourth studio album 'Naturally'. It went to number 1 in the United States, South Africa, and Canada.  It was also used in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump.

GROANER'S CORNER:(( An old, tired-looking dog wandered into the yard. I could tell from his collar and well-fed belly that he had a home.  He followed me into the house, down the hall, and fell asleep on the couch. An hour later, he went to the door, and I let him out. The next day he was back, resumed his position on the couch and slept for an hour. This continued for several weeks. Curious, I pinned a note to his collar: 'Every afternoon your dog comes to my house for a nap.'  The next day he arrived with a different note pinned to his collar: 'He lives in a home with four children -- he's trying to catch up on his sleep. Can I come with him tomorrow?'


- Some call it multi-tasking, I call it doing something else while I try to remember what I was doing in the first place. 

- Before we work on Artificial Intelligence why don't we do something about natural stupidity!!

- A man went into a restaurant and asked for crab. When the waiter brought it, the man objected, "Just a minute, that crab only has one claw!"  "Yes, said the waiter, it was in a fight."  "Well," said the man, "Bring me the winner!!"




  1. Your story of the 8th floor made me laugh. I know it's not possible but it would be great to bring my dogs and hounds for a hospital visit.

  2. It's wonderful to see Kelly smiling,luv that Pheebs was acting like a young dog again,both Kelly and Aunt Jean are doing a bit better, soon more of Kelly's family will be there to visit, you're just full of good news,Thanks Al,a lot of prayers are being answered -Mary

  3. It appears our prayers are being heard for both Kelly and Aunt Jean. So nice that Kelly will have family visiting her and I am sure Ella will bring lots of smiles and hugs. By the way, Al nice haircut and beard trim. Take care.

  4. Sweet photos of You & Kelly together. Love & Prayers Always.

  5. Love the pictures of you two lovebirds. Wish they would hurry on the transplant.

  6. Kelly looks like she's glad to have company. Continue prayers.

  7. I always enjoy your posts so much. And, if I get sick I want you to come take care of me. just kidding but you are amazing with Kelly. You two are both such lucky people to have each other.

  8. I love the picture of you and Kelly. I'm glad they are keeping her in the hospital where they can be alerted immediately. I know it's hard but we are all praying for you guys.

  9. I too love that first photo of you and Kelly! I pray every day that a liver is found for Kelly soon.
