Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Update on Al

 I know I know, it's not Al. 

   It's me the other third of the Bayfield Bunch.

Let me tell you, I have never seen anyone so prepared and organized as Al has been for this surgery.

   oops, he likes bigger and bolder fonts. :)

Al went out and bought everything he could think of for the next month, so I wouldn't have to shop as much.

What a thoughtful guy.

   He lined up his good friend Richard to give me a ride to the Sarnia hospital to pick up the car and Al tomorrow.

    We have all the health aids needed to help his recovery go smoothly. Thank you to Jeff Bezos for bringing them right to our door. It amazes me what he keeps in those warehouses. 

 Pheebe has been searching everywhere for Al. The house, carport. bird stations and all the paths.

  I guess I better get outside and feed the birds, they are looking in the sunroom windows for him.     Update at bottom of post.....



   Our first dog Max in the picture.

   ****I called the hospital this afternoon for an update. Nurse said he got back from recovery around noon. They were going to get him up at 4:00 for a bit. Physio in the morning and then if Dr. oks it discharge around noon. Oh, and the nurse asked him if she could call someone for him. He said no!!    That's Al, he wouldn't want to bother the nurse with extra work. 😄

Currently listening to https://youtu.be/GxldQ9eX2wo

Thanks for reading.  





  1. Thanks for the update, Kelly. Glad Al’s doing well. Isn’t it amazing how quickly they send patients home? He’ll be restless and ready to get out on his drives in no time. Poor Pheeps though! LOL
    ~ Hazel down the road.

  2. Thanks so much for the update Kelly, he's been on my mind all day. And wow--maybe you should take up blog writing! And I loved the photos of you guys in your younger days! And yes, poor Pheebs!

  3. Thanks ever so much for
    letting us know what's happening Kelly, that's very considerate of you!
    Remember to take good care of yourself,too.It's sweet of you to feed the birds, Pheebs will likely relax when Al gets home
    Hoping Al recovers quickly and thoroughly, also I pray you get a well
    matched donor soon and then feel healthy in all ways,Mary

  4. Thanks for the great update Kelly

  5. Good news. I've been thinking of Al today. Take care of YOU too Kelly.

  6. Hoping for s fast recovery.

  7. Think hospital motto is: get'm in and get'm out ! Will be nice to have all three of you together again! Thank you for the update!

  8. It is crazy how quickly the hospital gets patients moving. Crazy good, though, it seems to be for the best??
    Poor Phebes, Dad will be home soon.

  9. thanks for updating us all.he sure is a thotful kindof guy!

  10. Way to go Al. Kelly you are a super woman. Thinking of you both.

  11. Nice update Kelly, we were thinking about Al today, hoping for a speedy recovery ,
    Poor Phebes will be so excited when he gets home. Take care of yourself too, hope you get some news on the doner soon. Loved the pictures.

  12. Thank you Kelly for the update and glad all went well

  13. (Kawartha Gal)
    Thanks for the update. Glad everything went well.
    Great photos, thanks for sharing them…Take care of yourself

  14. Thanks for the update Kelly. Al if you are reading this, don't toss the walker out of your way and sprint down the hallway with the nurse tomorrow. LOL ... you can still get discharged tomorrow following their rules. LOL ... you are off to a good start from what it sounds.

  15. Thank You for the update and trip down memory lane.
    Typical of Al not wanting to disturb anyone.
    Please take care of yourself. Praying the Transplant takes place as soon as Al is fit to drive.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time

  16. The love and dedication the three of you have for each other is so heart warming. I read The Bayfield Bunch post every day without fail. Give Pheebs a big hug for me !

  17. OK then! So far so good!! Thanks

  18. Thank you Kelly for the update on Al. Hugs to you and pray you get a donor soon.

  19. Great news, thanks for the update! We're hunkering down, another storm is on its way in the Maritimes.

  20. Thank you for the update. The pictures are beautiful. Thinking of the three of you and sending hugs.

  21. Thanks for the update. Great photos! I’m sure both you and Pheebs are finding it very quiet with the old wannabe cowboy away! You folks crossed my mind numerous times during the day.


  22. Wonderful update Kelly !!!, thanks for stepping in.

  23. Wow, what a phenomenal surprise this was tonight! Here I was expecting a down night with no post, and instead I found an amazing one. Thank you so much.
    The pictures are wonderful! The love wonderful. Looking forward to learning that Al is home and on the road to recovery. As to his posts----- seems to me like the substitute poster gives him a run for his money. I had wondered about Pheebs. Hadn't thought about the birds. You are doing a great job. Please take care of you.

  24. Been thinking of Al all day.... Give Pheebs an extra hug tonight. You guys are the best!!!

  25. Thanks for the update. It is great that he came through the surgery with no problems. Here is to a speedy recovery.

  26. Kelly, thank you for the update on Al and that all went well. Will continue good thoughts and prayers that the Bayfield Bunch will be reunited soon. I know that you and Miss Pheebs will be happy to have him home again.

  27. Thanks for the update, Kelly. Good to hear that Al is doing well!!

  28. Thank you Kelly for this update !! Trusting for the best for Al. 🌟
    Linda a.

  29. Thanks for the update Kelly. You have all been on our minds. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. You are a very special team!

  30. Thanks for the good news Kelly. I think of you often and hope you are soon getting your surgery over as well Elaine in Salt Air BC

  31. Great update Kelly, thanks! Hope everything continues as it should.

  32. Thank you for updating us and with such good news. Now make sure he behaves when he gets home.

  33. Thanks, Kelly. Love & Hugs all around! Barb in FL

  34. Thanks for the update Kelly,I’ m sure Al will be happy to work at the rehab & be fully mobile in no time.All the best to you both.

  35. Love the photos! And love to the Bayfield Bunch. (Stephanie)

  36. Thanks for the update. My favorite blog.

  37. Good to hear Al is doing well. Loved the pictures of your wedding day!

    1. Kelly, thanks for the update, glad Al is doing well. God bless U both. Praying for quick &painless recovery. ' We are one '. Huggies to the furryBB. 🍀🍀🍀🍀

  38. Not to copy everyone but we all appreciate the update. Thank you for sharing the pictures...beautiful. God's blessings to all!

  39. Wonderful news Kelly…thank you for the update!
