Sunday, February 18, 2024


That road grader came back in the night and drove over me again.  But, this time it was totally my fault.  I am to take a Percocet pain-killing pill every six hours and I had obviously forgotten to take the last 6-hour pill before going to bed.  I woke up with a noticeably sore and painful leg this morning.  Not just at the surgery site but the whole leg.  And, the leg had stiffened up as well.  I quickly downed a pain pill and within an hour or so I was feeling much better and clomping up and down our hall with my walker again.  Some exercises today too.  A commenter had suggested a walker with wheels but I am not ready for that type of walker yet.  When I am able to put full weight on my leg I will switch to the four-wheel walker type, which incidentally we have.  At the time of posting this tonight, I am feeling okay and making progress.  


With snowy cold weather outside, it could not have been a better time for my hip surgery.  I have had no urge to go outside even if I could.  But, I am keeping a close eye on the 14-day weather forecast watching for any kind of warming trend which I am beginning to see for the end of the month.  We hit a high of 32F today and looking forward, that is a good sign.

Kelly had brought a movie home from the library called Yesterday and we watched it this afternoon.  Kelly liked the movie better than I did.  But then again, when it comes to movies these days, I am a hard one to please.  And, as I have said before, I much prefer watching a movie in a big theater, with big sound, and a big screen.  I prefer the whole movie theater experience.  I will never understand why anyone would watch a movie on their cell phone.  Yes, they may have watched the movie but they certainly did not experience the movie.  

Al's Music Box:))
 Carefree Highway 
is a song written by Gordon Lightfoot and was the second single release from his 1974 album, SundownThe title comes from a section of Arizona State Route 74 in north Phoenix. Said Lightfoot, "I thought it would make a good title for a song. I wrote it down, put it in my suitcase and it stayed there for eight months." The song employs "Carefree Highway" as a metaphor for the state of mind where the singer seeks escape from his ruminations over a long-ago failed affair with a woman named Ann. Lightfoot has stated that Ann actually was the name of a woman Lightfoot romanced when he was age 22: "It [was] one of those situations where you meet that one woman who knocks you out and then leaves you standing there and says she's on her way."

GROANER'S CORNER:((  Wife texts husband on a cold winter morning: "Windows frozen, won't open."  Husband texts back: "Gently pour some lukewarm water over it and then gently tap the edges with a hammer."  Wife texts back 10 minutes later: "Computer really messed up now."


The new Ensign was assigned to submarines, where he'd dreamed of working since a young boy.  He was trying to impress the Master Chief with his expertise learned in Submarine School.  The Master Chief cut him off quickly and said, "Listen, it's real simple. Add the number of times we dive to the number of times we surface. Divide that number by two. If the result doesn't come out even, don't open the hatch."


An enormously wealthy 65-year-old man falls in love with a young woman in her twenties and is contemplating proposing.  "Do you think she'd marry me if I tell her I'm 45?" he asked a friend.  "Your chances are better," said the friend, "if you tell her you're 90."




  1. I love watching movies on my 65" screen, in the dark, nobody around and Walter snoring so loud at times I can't make out what they are saying. LOL

  2. I like that movie too! Cute....

  3. Another lovely junco...though yesterday's fluffed up dove won my heart too. And the squirrel looks evil! Just pleased to see you are up and at em in spite of all. Seems slow at the time, but this will disappear......every day you should be better.

  4. I know you're not a fan of cell phones Al, but when I was taking 3 different eye drops after my cataract op, setting timers on my phone was real useful. No way would I have remembered what to take when, without the timers. It might help you too. Gord.

  5. I meant to comment on your blog yesterday, had a good laugh!!! You might want to try taking Metamucil every morning. A spoonful in water seems to really help. I had the same problem after some surgery. It's all those drugs they pump into you!!!! I ended up having to give myself an enema to get things 'moving' again.

  6. Haven't been getting on my laptop much since my back injury so I wanted to check on how your doing this morning. Yep pain pills will sure cause a road block and who needs that when your already in pain. Dr. perscribed them but i haven't taken even one. Doing my best with Tylenol.

  7. Stick with that two-wheel walker! My SIL switched to a four-wheel way too early and fell. Her new hip joint separated! ouch
