Wednesday, February 14, 2024


I told you all I would be back tonight and I didn't want to break that promise.  All did not go well and I am in a lot of pain right now.  I had a poor night's sleep and all I want to do tonight is nothing.  I am hoping to put a post together Thursday detailing the past couple of days and the mistakes that were made.  Believe me, if I could put a post together tonight I would.  A big thanks to Kelly for the post she put in last night.  I didn't know she was going to do that.  And thanks to everyone for all your kind words and support.  I've never had so many unknown friends in my whole life.  Kelly did a marvelous job driving me home today under sunny skies.  And then, after she dropped me off she had to go to Goderich's Walmart Pharmacy to fill pain medication prescriptions   A big special thanks to our good friends Richard and Gayle for driving Kelly to Sarnia today to pick me up.  Until tomorrow..............hopefully.  


  1. Glad to hear you are home, not so glad to hear you are in pain. Take your pain meds and from someone who knows--take your stool softeners! :)

  2. Look out world he is back and I am very glad for that.
    Al. I missed you and your special style of blogging and am patiently awaiting your adventure reports done in your great style. Be careful during the healing.

  3. You're so good to let us know you're home! I'm sorry it didn't go as well as we had hoped it would, rest as well as you are able to and don't worry about the blog, Mary

  4. Gail from Buckeye AZ Thank you for the update. I glad you are home, sad you are not feeling well but hopefully your pain medication will help. l am sending well wishes and hope you are better real soon.

  5. It will take a few weeks but it does get better

  6. Oh, Al, I do hope the pain meds help and that nothing else goes wrong. Thanks for the effort to keep us all informed. You are treasured here.

  7. Have heart. My doc told me it would be 2.5 weeks to feel markedly better. And he was right. I had an "anterior approach", meaning incision more to the front. But everybody's different, and no one but the doc should be offering advice. Hang in there. Everyone is thinking of you! Annette in Omaha

  8. The hard part is over, now you are in recovery stage. Remember to be patient with yourself, because not all your days will be rosy at this time. Soon you'll be the one helping Kelly recover.
    Keeping you both in our prayers.

    It's about time.

  9. Best wishes for a quick, painless, and uneventful recovery!! Take good care!!
    Don in Okla.

  10. Sit up straight!! (That's a poor joke.) So glad you are home and my nurse friend tells me the third day is always the worst, so you have another bad day to look forward to. Geez. I am full of good news. Smarting off is a defense of mine. So glad it's over and only a few more days of misery. Looking forward to your having some relief (I hope they gave you some good drugs) and being able to recover at home. Brave soul to do the post!!! And now, you can do nothing.....we won't go away if you don't post. My very best wishes.

  11. P.S. The advice given by Jenna and Mike should be obeyed.

  12. Happy it is over. Take your pain meds and think of better days.

  13. I think we’ve all been worrying about you.. sending prayers for a good nights sleep and better day tomorrow.

  14. Happy you are home, hope all works out for you.

  15. As everyone has said take your medications and also take 1 day at a time ,all will be better soon ,thanks for keeping us posted.

  16. I really can't believe how quickly they let someone go home after a hip replacement. Golly, that's quick. Hope all the kinks get ironed out and you can get back to your old self!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Al, one day at a time and please take care and follow all of the discharge instructions. Bet Miss Pheebs was happy to see you!!!

  19. Well I am happy you are home but bummed to hear about your poor night of sleep and the pain you are in. I didn't expect that based on my experience. Looking back on my blog post about mine, it was the abrasion on the side of my hip that hurt but not my hip. I know we are all different but I wonder what went wrong. DON'T rush back to talk to us ... rest all you can, drink plenty of fluids and walk. I really am sorry to hear you are in that much pain.

  20. Blessings !..... you will do this successfully I’m sure🙌🙌
    Linda a.

  21. Hope you feel better really soon, Al! Keep those fluids going!

  22. Prayers for pain relief & comfort for you, Al. Love ya! Barb in FL

  23. Take those pain meds ... they will help a lot. Prayers for a fast recovery.

  24. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  25. Sink you will be waltzing around the house. P.s. I "third" what Janna and Mike said about the stool softeners! Pain meds cause complications. Take care!!!

    1. Hi Al, get well soon...praying here for your quick recovery!! ' We are one' ❤️God bless u ❤️

  26. Dang autocorrect! *Sink* should be *soon*

  27. Thanks for the effort of putting together a post for us. I’m sorry things didn’t go as well as expected. Doctors orders are usually spot on and following them is usually wise, and I have no doubt you are a wise man. Take care of yourself, we can wait. Good luck.


  28. Take all the PT you can get! Motivation from Pheebs will have you waking soon.

    1. Amen! Right on!


    2. Al, drink lots of water & take the stool softeners, don't want to get constipated...God forbid !!

  29. Don in Anthem Arizona. I made a comment a long time ago that “the first two weeks are not fun.” But you can manage by following your regimen of pain meds. Then things turn around dramatically and away you go! … To more aggressive Physio therapy. But still keep up with the pain meds so you can do the Physio!

  30. So sorry to hear you are feeling miserable. Hoping the pain meds work thier magic. Sending positive vibes your way.
    Teri Florida

  31. Pain is to be expected. You body has been invaded and it will take some time for it to settle down. Don't try and be a strong he man and not take your pain meds. You NEED to take them as prescribed and more as needed. Your body can't heal while fighting the pain. So do the right thing, relax and allow your body to rebuild itself. But of course you must do your prescribed physio. It might not seem like much right now but it does help. You will be on top of things very soon. Contessa

  32. You do look sad! Hope you're feeling better soon!

  33. Contessa here - I certainly hope that you have been through the worst. Take the meds, do your exercises and rest. In a few weeks you will be so happy to realize that you are pain free. A feeling like none other.
