Sunday, October 16, 2016




Despite a rainy morning I consider ourselves fortunate to still have another warm day going on here.  At this time of year it could just as easily been a cold rain with freezing temps and possibly some snow.  Fortunate indeed.



We are down to loading all our second to last things into the rig.  We do not have to leave at the crack of dawn Tuesday morning so the very last few items will be loaded then.  We will be into heavy traffic for about half our journey to Spencerport NY so we will time that section sometime between 9 a.m and 3 p.m. with no stops along the way.  Alright, maybe one last Tim Hortons to go before we hit the border.  Our next Tim Horton coffee may not be for another five months or so and that one will likely be in Forest Ontario after we have crossed back into Canada again.  And it’s sure going to be a long stretch between carrot muffins for Pheebs and I:(( DSC_0008



Kelly is still doing battle with Verizon regarding accounts, passwords, and programs.  Always such a hassle twice a year putting our Bayfield accounts on hold till Spring and activating our southern accounts for when we cross the border into the States.  I don’t know how she plows through all that stuff keeping her cool intact.  I figure it must be a woman’s thing because I’ve never met too many guys around who have the patience necessary for that sort of stuff.DSC_0014DSC_0015

It was 2:10 when a few errant rays of sunlight briefly made their way through a heavy cloud cover alighting just long enough to set afire a few of Autumn’s wet and colorful leaves.  Still rain in the sky around us but our afternoon at least remained dry.  Noticed our annual ‘popping up’ of mushrooms is well underway around the property.  Always amazes me how colorful they can be and how many different varieties we have here.  DSC_0018DSC_0015DSC_0014



Kelly phoned Walmart’s Pharmacy in Goderich and my prescriptions are ready to be picked up so Pheebs and I might squeak ourselves in a short little country run Monday morning if the weather is nice.  Why is it that whenever I mention the word ‘prescriptions’ it gives me a shudder and I immediately feel like a really old person.  Guess in my world I have always associated prescriptions with old folks and I don’t exactly always think of myself as being an old folks yet.  Well Okay I do have my days where I do seem to do well at creaking and cranking myself around.  This flip-flopping back and forth from a teen-ager to a Senior Citizen is very confusing to say the least.  I guess my daily transitions between the two often leave me stalled somewhere in the middle clinging to a bedazzled state of confusion wondering who the heck I am and where the hell am I anyway!!  By the way I only have 3 prescriptions.  One pill for the arthritis in my legs, one pill for my high cholesterol levels and one sleep aid pill.  In the grand scheme of prescriptions I do consider myself very fortunate to have only three…………….


Don’t know if you are still reading blogs or are able to Retired Rod but just wanted to say we are thinking of you out here and wishing you all the best we possibly can. DSC_0017-001

GROANER’S CORNER:(( A man and his wife are dining at a table in a plush restaurant, and the husband keeps staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sits alone at a nearby table. The wife asks, "Do you know her?"
"Yes," sighs the husband, "she's my ex-girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up seven years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since." "My God!" says the wife. "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?"


Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened to fire him if he didn't do something about it. So Tom went to his doctor who gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well and in fact beat the alarm in the morning. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work. "Boss," he said, "The pill actually worked!"  "That's all fine" said the boss. "But where were you yesterday?"


  1. Al, my brother is a truck driver. He was telling me that I-95 south in North Carolina is either closed completely or down to one lane for miles due to flooding. Also, he said 85 has problems too. Just a heads up for your journey south. May want to check NCDOT prior to heading that way.

  2. Gotta , go, gotta go yup we ready too, just waiting.
    I think its our bodies that look and feel old, but in our minds could still be teenagers. Hmm what a pickle we are in.
    No matter as long as we can live our dream works for us.
    Travel safe, maybe Kelly can make some carrot muffins and you could take some Timmies coffee along as well for a treat.

  3. It's easy to figure. If you are stalled between young and old, that means you are NOT old, so you must still be young. Rejoice!

    Love the mushrooms, and love the 1st groaner! I'm getting so excited for your travel date being close! Have a safe and great trip .

  4. You sure expressed that well! We try to still think like a young guy and seek those adventures, but the old body won't keep up with the brain! You got me beat, I'm on 5 prescriptions. Thank goodness they're mostly very low doses (and we have a drug plan!).

  5. We saw a number of Tim Hortons in the USA East coast. Try Googling their locations. Hope you have a great trip.

  6. I just googled it and there are over 800 Tim Hortons state side.

  7. I am guessing you already have your route planned, but just wanted to say that we go south every year using what we call the "western" route rather than using 95. Down through OH, then 65 to 75 down to FL. SO much nicer than 95.

  8. Fighting with Verizon, Net10 and Internet on the Go, as well as them always changing their plans was very frustrating. Last year said goodbye to them all when Rogers introduced their roam as you go. Switched our home phone to a Roger's cell with 5GB of data and the $50 max for the roam in a month, and now only have one number,no headaches and no need to suspend. Just pick up and go. Very good plan, so good that Bell introduced the same roam.

  9. I'm 2 hrs south of Jax, if you're coming down 95 would love to meet you folks.

  10. Indeed...only 3 RX's is wonderful..Dennis and I only have a few also and we can get them in 3 mo supplies..I have 3 and Den has 1..I do envy you going to Florida...You got some great advice about the Interstates with traffic and flooding..We found I-75 to be pretty busy in January..but you might be headed out before then...I'm packed..let's go!
