Tuesday, October 12, 2010



The great State of Pennsylvania has Punxsutawney Phil & we have Wiarton Willy right here in Ontario. These guys give us an indication of spring weather every February 2nd, but British Columbia has it's own Autumn Prognosticator. (a forecaster: someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)  WANDERING WILLY has just come out of hibernation, did not see his shadow, has predicted an early winter & is scurrying about making travel plans to head south.  And, Ivan from ROADTRIP 2010 is already on the move & dropped in a few days ago to help Wandering Willy shake some of that hibernation dust off himself.


Worked this morning but had the afternoon off for a Doctor's appointment.  Well, that was the plan anyway.  I had the right day but I had the wrong time.   I thought it was a 2 o'clock appointment but it was at 10:30 this morning so I totally missed it.  They rebooked me for November 2nd with a stern wrap on the knuckles & a 'be there or be square' warning.


I'm sure we have all asked the question, What’s Cheaper: Living in a House or on the Road?  Check out Rene & Jim's blog at LIVE-WORK-DREAM for an expense analysis.


And, if you haven't heard, RICK & PAULETTE have just bought themselves a spanking brand new 5th wheel.  Check out the details & I think they are hoping to take delivery of it this Thursday.


Excitement is also building right now in Sacramento, California.  GYPSY is well on her way to tracking down a Lance truck camper for her pick-up truck.  Sold her big 5th wheel finally so things are once again on the up & up:))


SAM is scrambling around by himself for a month in Pennsylvania I think, & it looks like the folks at RV LIFE ON WHEELS are hitting the road Thursday for the great American Southwest.  JERRY & SUZY are already there, but then again......they just happen to live there.  But, they are on the move as well with their rig, & just spent a night at RUSTY'S RV RANCH in New Mexico.  They are now probably at an Escapee rally in Columbus NM.  We spent a few days at Rusty's at the beginning of last November.  And let's not forget RETIRED ROD who is now home from the hospital but has already got himself suspended!!  Well, sort of:))


RV travel excitement is building right here at home as well & tonight after supper I almost carried a pair of socks out to the rig....................10-4!!


GROANER'S CORNER:((  And here are some laws of the natural Universe..........

Law of the Workshop:
Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

Law of Probability:
If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.

Law of the Bath:
When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings.

Law of Close Encounters:
The probability of meeting someone you know increases when you are either with someone you don't want to be seen with, or you are looking your worst.

Law of the Result:
When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, it will.

Law of the Theatre:
At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive last.

Law of Rugs/Carpets:
The chances of an open-faced jam sandwich landing face down on a floor covering are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet/rug.

Law of Middle Management:
Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.


Tourists see the world, travelers experience it.

Until one has loved an Animal, part of their soul remains un-awakened.

OUR BLOGGER WEBSITE http://thebayfieldbunch.com/



AL'S SMUG MUG PHOTO GALLERY http://stargeezer.smugmug.com/

The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...... AL.


  1. At least you didn't almost carry out one odd sock! :)

    Super pics, but I'd like to sink the folks in the kayak!

  2. We're on a countdown here too...Looks like we may be able to leave sooner than we thought....Maybe the first week of November....and wind down through Mississippi and Louisiana on our way...I love the Civil War sites!!

  3. You're right, there is a lot of activity going on right now out here in blogland. A lot of folks on the move, planning to move and some of us getting new rigs to move in.

    I guess by early November sometime, you'll be one of those packing up and heading for the southwest as well.

  4. A wrap on the knuckles is not that bad, south pf the border, they regularly charge a missed appt fee that is the minimum visit fee.

  5. Thanks for the mention, Al, I have been scrambling between trying to do repairs to the old homestead for my sister & niece and trying to bring back childhood memories, today the hospital bed will be delivered and tomorrow is my sister surgery, she will be home either late Friday or Saturday and then I will have to put on the nurses cap and start emptying bed pans and doing all the nurse stuff for about a month.By that time you will be on your way for your 2010 edition of your great adventure.Just remember "The future just isn't what it used to be". Sam & Donna.

  6. Al, I love the new header photograph. :) It reminds me of back home in upstate NY.

    It won't be long however, before its replaced by another incredible photo from your upcoming trip south for the winter.

    We'll be seeing your geese and the other migratory birds from up north here very soon, a time of year I look forward to.

    The hummingbirds have already come and gone, butterflys and golden finches have just arrived. When the gesse arrive in the fall I know winter is right around the corner for my family, we actually time it every year.

    It won't be long now before you and Kelly begin your migration as well, and I know you are really looking forward to it as you make your trip plans.

    Be well,

  7. And for those of us staying put-it's getting the snow blower tuned up, taking the summer clothes upstairs and bringing the winter clothes down, making sure you can find a right and left glove, remembering to put the ice scrapper in the car before you need it--I think I'd rather be getting ready to head south!

  8. Actually we stayeed two nights at Rusty's and would have loved to stay longer. We are working hard to convince our Escapees Chapter to go to Rusty's for a future rally. Suzy and I have agreed to be wagonmasters for the rally - IF we go to Rusty's.

  9. Al,re your comment in my comments section about the red sweater....That's the almost famous "RED RAG" and it was you that took that picture at Borrego Springs:)
