Friday, May 14, 2010



JUDY identified Thursdays blue looking mystery bird as an Indigo Bunting.  I have another one for you today Judy.  Took it this morning from a long way off while on our walk.  It's not a good photo & was the only shot I got off before it was airborne & gone.  I'm guessing some kind of Heron.

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INDIGO BUNTING                           ??

Also spotted a Muskrat in the larger pond this morning so I'm suspecting that is what probably ate the eggs in the Canada Goose nest a few weeks back.  The bird in today's mystery bird photo is standing right on top of that same abandoned goose nest.

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MUSKRAT (click to enlarge)

The rains have moved on & we had a clear sunny day.  Took the bike for a run but didn't go far because of the gusting cold winds.  I do not like cold!!



Maybe I will be able to scare up something interesting to write about Saturday.............DSC_7358

GROANER'S CORNER:((  And remember that by the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he's too old to go anywhere!!                            PAINTED TURTLE


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The only thing better than right now will someday be the memories of right now...... AL.


  1. Thought I'd sneak in early this evening rather than in the morning. Darn ol' muskrat! How we gonna have goose for Christmas dinner if the muskrat eats the eggs!

  2. That pic of the tulips was beautiful, Al. How great to see a real muskrat in your own pond? Or is it not so great? :)

    Enjoy your weekend.

  3. You're right, Al, today's mystery bird is a Green Heron. Green herons are solitary and sectetive. They catch fish along wooded streams and ponds. I remember when I was the "bird lady" of Newark Valley, NY, two little old ladies in town brought me a green heron in a hamster cage. They had found it under their pine tree in their yard, apparently injured. They included a bowl of water and birdseed. They were well intentioned, but didn't know a whole lot about birds. :)

  4. A muskrat? How did you manage to time it so that you got a great pic of a live muskrat in the pond? Great photo of the tulips too!!
