We are all just one heartbeat away from the unknown but it doesn't seem to be a concern in our earlier years. I'm creeping up on 65 now & every little bump in the night is a concern. Doesn't seem to matter if your 45 or 85, the world as we once knew it has changed as we peer out through aging eyes. We have changed.....and are changing. Priorities are re-arranged. Interests ebb & flow like the tide & time suddenly begins to take on a new importance. Slowly it becomes apparent this wild & reckless ride through life is beginning to level out & may even begin to take on a bit of meaning at some point.
One of our main reasons years ago for embracing the RV lifestyle was based on health & well being. We were both in good shape & knew if we wanted to get out there to see & do the outdoor things we enjoyed we had better get a move on while we were still agile enough to enjoy it. Various illnesses & disabilities had already claimed friends & fellow workers & shattered the dreams of many others. I'm so glad we made the decision to travel when we did.
RV folks as a rule are a hardy & healthy lot. We have met people, though diagnosed with cancer have refused to take it lying down. A couple we know who both have cancer concerns rented out their house, bought an RV, & hit the road full time. That was about 3 years ago & they are still going strong. Doctors appointments, medical tests, & treatments are scheduled ahead of time in various cities where they are headed. It was their original doctor who after the diagnosis suggested to them they get out & enjoy life. And that is just what they are doing & I think the reason they are doing so well is simply because of their RV lifestyle, positive attitude, & zest for life. PRIMROSE
Whether week-end traveler, seasonal snowbird, or full timer, the RV lifestyle lends itself to a whole different mindset from the stay at home folks. I know it's hard for people who have never traveled or do not have an interest in traveling to understand why anyone would want to live in the confined space of a motorhome or trailer. A lot of things are hard to understand I guess but fortunately that was an understanding that came easy for us...........................................:))
OUR PHOTO ALBUMS http://picasaweb.google.com/stargeezerguy/
You are right on about traveling while you still have health. I often wish I had started the RV life earlier, but when I retired at age 55 I wanted nothing but to backpack the appalachian trail. I loved that lifestyle just as I love my current lifestyle, although I wish I had the exhuberance of those days. Now I'm more content to spend a bit of time in one place, and I think I have a heightened appreciation for the magic moments that come along every now and then. Only us gypsies can understand it.