Nice to wake up to 54 degree temps instead of the 32 F stuff of the past few mornings. Decided to try setting up our satellite system this morning because that way we could get in touch with the hydraulic leveler company either by email or Skype phone. Had been over eight & a half months since the last time we set up that system so we were pretty rusty in getting things going. Out set up times last year were about 5 to 10 minutes & this morning it took us three quarters of an hour. Two thirds of that time was spent just getting the cobwebs out of our brains but between the two of us we finally managed to get things working & we were back on line.
In the meantine I had devised a plan in my little problem solving head on how to get that rear leveler retracted. So, with hammer, hatchet, & a small flat wrecking bar & crawled under the coach & began digging a hole just behind the grounded leveler. My theory was to dig a hole deep enough to set my scissors jack into, put a block of wood on top, pry up the leveler about half an inch off the ground & then back the motorhome up about 5 inches until the leveler was directly over the jack & piece of wood. Figured I would then jack the leveler back up into it's retracted position. Well, it all sounded good in theory.........................and it worked:)) Why it worked I don't know, but it did work. We will contact the company to-morrow & find out where the nearest HWH facility is & take the motorhome in to have that leveler problem checked out & repaired if necessary.
In between getting our satellite system set up & digging my hole under the rig we did manage to stretch ourselves out in our cushy lawn chair recliners & soak up a bunch of New Mexico sunshine on a beautiful 75F day. We are far enough off the beaten path that no human sounds reach us & we just have the twitter & flitter of small birds & coyotes in the distance. Small yellow butterflies dart about amongst the prickly pear cactus & miniature yellow flowers grow in abundance around the campsite. This American southwest is such a beautiful place & despite our little problems from time to time we absolutely love being here. Can't imagine going anywhere else.
We plan to stay here for a few days & take in some of the area attractions. White Sands National Monument, the Space Museum, tour a Pistachio farm, take the scenic drive to Cloudcroft & check out the Solar Sun Observatory, Petrogyphs north of Alamogordo, & anything else we can think of. Maybe we can slip into the missile range itself & play on the rockets:))
Great solution, I'll put it in my somewhat compromised memory bank.