Friday, November 14, 2008


We haven't even left yet & here I am already missing my big cushy recliner chair, 42" flat screen TV with big stereo mega bass sound, our toasty warm computer room with more stereo sound & a whole host of other nice things that make life way too comfortable & spoil us totally. But here's what I'm going to miss most.....those long hot showers every morning with that unlimited supply of water in a nice spacious shower/tub configuration. RV folks will understand what I'm talking about here. Water is always a limited & top priority item for anyone traveling & if your accustomed to boondocking it becomes a real challenge to conserve & wisely use every last drop of water. Showers are limited & they have to be quick. Showers in most RV's are small, so if you can imagine having a shower in your clothes closet, that will give you some idea. It can be quite a performance!! We have a total 1,122 sq. ft. of living space in our house but when we move to the motorhome that drops to 264 sq. ft. Ouch!! I won't get into all the things we won't miss!!

Here's an observation I've made over the past few RVing years about transitioning from the house to the motorhome. A dramatic change takes place in mere seconds when one drops into the driver's seat, turns the ignition, & pulls that gear shift lever down into into drive. It's like two different worlds suddenly changing places in an instant & all those cushy home perks are soon left behind.

Our house world immediately begins to slip into memory & with each passing mile that lifestyle drifts ever farther away. It is a huge sense of relief to finally be underway. No more waiting & worrying. No more packing & running around taking care of last minute details. No more lists to be checked & no more schedules to be attended to. No second thoughts or doubts. Time to replace that over all apprehension & let in a big smack of excitement. Time to switch into RV travel mode. Traffic to deal with, weather to watch, destinations to consider, motorhome systems to monitor, dogs to keep an eye on for pit stops, & Cracker Barrels to watch for:)) I'm on a diet so I'll just have to sit & watch Kelly stuff herself:(( Setting out in an RV is almost like putting to sea in a small boat. For certain there will be clear & sunny sailing days ahead, but you know the rough stormy seas are awaiting as well & you can't seem to have one without appreciating the other.

Aw yes, like Willy Nelson sings, "On the Road Again:))" And just in case your wondering........."YES, I AM FINALLY A HAPPY CAMPER:))))))))))))))))))"

Don't know when I will post the next blog because it may be a few days before we stop along enough to find a Wifi site to check for & send some emails. But, as soon as I can, I will be back banging on the keyboard...............................:)) Photos.....Now, if I can just remember how to tie the car on the back of the motorhome again before we leave.....Hmmmmmmm:((
Rain, rain, go away will ya!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have a good trip, will be checking here for reports.

