Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Decided to head over into the Kodachrome basin area about 25 miles east of Bryce to-day so packed up camp this morning & headed out about 9:45 a.m. Stopped a few hundred yards down the road at the Bryce Canyon Pines restaurant for a load of bacon & eggs. Same place we had the soup & pie the night before. This is a nice little place with good food & we both recommend it. Stopped in Ruby's parking lot & got caught up on a lot of our internet stuff because Rubys had a WiFi signal. Moved out about 1:30 & within a few miles we descended down a 10% grade on a twisting winding road. Kelly was at the door with her parachute on ready to bail but finally the road leveled & straightened out as we moved through the little town of tTropic. Wended our way along making a right hand turn at Cannonville into the Kodachrome Basin. Once again the road took us through beautiful scenery & vibrant colors from the canyon floor to the tips of the mountain tops. No traffic on the paved narrow road as we headed for Kodachrome State Park nine miles distant. The pavement ended at the State Park's gate as a gravel road continued on towards Grosvenor's Arch. We followed the pavement into the State park & drove around looking for a campsite. This park is absolutely beautiful with it's tight paved roads & heavy shrubbery between sites. Beautiful rock formations & colors but, one problem!! These sites didn't have electricity & the water had been shut off. Water we can do without because we carry our own but no electricity meant no heat for the night & they had generator restrictions. Didn't want to take a chance running our batteries down with the furnace on in the night so reluctantly made the decision to go back to Cannonville where we had spotted a KOA campground we knew would have electric. Made the drive back to Cannonville taking some driver's seat pictures along the way. Pulled into the KOA & noticed a truck & 5th wheel had just got there a few minutes before we did. We were the only 2 rigs in the whole park. The 5th wheel people spotted our Canadian flags & hollered over they were from Canada too. London, Ontario & they were familiar with Bayfield. Small world to end up with only two rigs in the park, both from Canada, both from Ontario, & both from only about 60 miles apart back home.
Nice park & the best part is they have internet so here I am sitting at the dinette blabbering away on the keyboard yes, how sweet it is:))

Bayfield Bunch Photo Album...

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