Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Cloudy and cold with a few errant snowflakes in the air.  A short drive around a few country roads and home again for Pheebs and I.  Hey, nine months from today will be Christmas.  Oh joy for that happy thought eh:((  Woodsy and I slipped up to Goderich for a few things at Walmart, Zehr's Supermarket, and Food Basics.  It was a good shopping day for me because I didn't have to go into the stores.  I like it when that happens.  I remained in the car and caught up on my Kindle reading which I'm sorry to say I have been neglecting these past three months.

Al's Music Box:)) Mocking Bird Hill is a song written in 3/4 time by Calle Jularbo, with lyrics by George Vaughn Horton. It is perhaps best known through recordings by Patti Page, Horton's own Pinetoppers, and the duo of Les Paul and Mary Ford in 1951, or by Donna Fargo's 1977 version, but many other artists have also recorded the song. The first recording of "Mockin' Bird Hill" by an established act was made by Les Paul and Mary Ford, on January 29, 1951.  Patti Page soon recorded the song herself, believing that record buyers assumed that the Paul/Ford single was her own new release. Page first learned of "Mockin' Bird Hill" while at Midway Airport: having just completed a Chicago nightclub engagement she was awaiting a flight to New York City to stopover before proceeding to Florida to open at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach the next evening. Page received a phone call at Midway from Mercury Records A&R man Art Talmadge. At his request Page skipped her scheduled flight to allow Talmadge to reach Midway with a portable turntable, to play Page the Paul/Ford single, which Talmadge suggested Page record once she reached New York City. Page was reluctant to make a recording without the participation of her regular conductor, Jack Rael, who awaited Page in Florida; however, Talmadge had already cleared Page's recording of "Mockin' Bird Hill" with Rael and had booked studio time and musicians for Page to make the recording. Page recalled: "They had a limo at the airport [in New York City], took me to Bob Fine's studio. I cut just that one song. I was very happy with it and couldn't wait for Jack to hear it. He said 'This is really very good.' He called Art, and Art said 'I'm glad you like it, Jack, because we've already shipped 200,000 records."  The Page recording, made on January 17, 1951, reached the Billboard pop music chart on February 24, 1951, lasting 22 weeks and peaking at number 2.  

GROANER'S CORNER:(( How Many Zen Buddhists Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?

A: Three. One to change the lightbulb, one NOT to change the lightbulb, and one to neither change nor not change the lightbulb.

How Many Episcopalians Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?
A: Eight. One to call the electrician, and seven to say how much they liked the old one better.

How Many Unitarians Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?
A: The Unitarians wish to issue the following statement: "We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a lightbulb; however if in your own journey you have found that lightbulbs work for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship with your lightbulb, and present it next month at our annual lightbulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of lightbulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence."
How Many Pentecostals Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb?
A: Ten. One to change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.


- Just saw a burglar kicking his own door in.  I asked: “What are you doing?”  He said: “Working from home.”

- Men don't care what's on TV. They only care what else is on TV.


Our 15-year-old daughter, Melanie, had to write a report for school about World War II, specifically D-Day and the invasion of Normandy.  “Isn't there a movie about that?” she asked.  I told her there was, but I couldn't think of the name.  Then it came to her, “Oh, I remember! Isn't it something like ‘Finding Private Nemo'?”


Al's Doggy World


Kelly's Corner

Al's Art Gallery


  1. How many Schrodinger's cats does it take to change a lightbulb? (I have no idea.)

  2. Lovely photos of Kelly and dogs...meaningful moments. Your weather looks to improve in the next week; sure hope so. Barb M.

  3. I'm glad you are finding a way to move forward in life. You never have to give up the life and love you've had- just add to it!
    The picture of all the old cars and "flying saucer" do you know where it was taken? Not so interested in flying saucers but love to visit places with lots of old cars!
    Give this song a try, if you get a little down!
