Tuesday, September 03, 2024


It was early evening last night when I had to pop myself into a warm T-shirt underneath my long-sleeve shirt.  Yes, it was that cool and that was quite alright with me.  We are slowly sliding into the cozy time of year and it won't be long before I slight touch of welcomed warmth in the house will be the way of the day.  It is a time of year when I appreciate the coolness of outside and the warmness of inside.  Yes, for me it is the time of cozy:))))

A routine run to Goderich and back.  Same old McD's, harbor, Walmart, etc.

And, to our American friends south of the border who may be needing a break from their  volatile political climate, here is some Fascinating and Intriguing Facts About Your Geography  Lots of surprises here.

Al's Music Box:)) Heartaches By The Number by Guy Mitchell is a popular country song written by Harlan Howard, and published in 1959. The sheet music was a best seller in both the US and Britain in January 1960. The biggest hit version was recorded by Guy Mitchell on August 24, 1959. The recording was released by Columbia Records on August 31,1959.  After "Singing the Blues", this was Mitchell's second pop chart topper; it was also his last top-40 single on the Billboard charts. 

GROANER'S CORNER:(( You might be a redneck if...

- You don't know what a redneck is.
- You're still upset that they canceled "The Dukes of Hazzard".
- You thought ER was ET's cousin.
- You think a strip joint is where they disassemble cars.
- You are in 6 grade and the only one in your family that can write your name.
- You've ever been stuck in your own driveway.
- You refer to your dog as the dishwasher.
- Your car is made out of 17 others and each part is a different color.
- You repair your car in the Autoparts store parking lot.
- You can name all the characters from the "Dukes of Hazzard".
- You recite lines from "The Dukes of Hazzard".
- You keep track of all the belt holders in all the wrestling leagues.
- You got married in the family car, in a drive-thru chapel.
- You search your computer monitor for the dial that changes channels.
-Your idea of a fancy dessert is "moon pie ala mode".
- You just bought your family their first Atari game system.
- You and your wife celebrate your anniversay at the K-mart cafeteria.
- You think the only tools "real men" need are duck tape and caulk, and you have successful repair projects to prove it.
- You've tried to quote Jeff Foxworthy and screwed it up.
- You name your car the General Lee.

I’ve been prescribed anti-gloating cream...
I can’t wait to rub it in!


The Scottish man asked for a pillow to be strapped to his back, but it had worn away after 50 lashes and he suffered for the remaining 50.  The Englishman being smart asked for 2 pillows, and he didn't feel any of the lashes on his back.  Before the Irishman was asked, the judge said "I love Ireland, it has given us the greatest music, poets, writers, and art - because of this you get 2 requests"  The Irishman thought and said "Firstly I'd like 200 lashes, and second of all strap the Englishman to my back"






  1. It seems that almost everyone is mentioning cooler weather recently.I am glad you enjoy it
    I hope Kelly and Pheebs are doing well,too
    Wishing you three a good and blessed night -Mary

  2. The "fascinating facts" ARE interesting. Handsome distant relative of Pheebs in the last photo. Glad your weather is being good.
