Tuesday, July 30, 2024


A better day for Kelly.  The swelling of her abdomen has not gone down but her overall discomfort has lessened and she slept a big part of the afternoon.  Our plan for today was to make it through until tomorrow when Kelly has an appointment at London's University Hospital.  At that time 'we're hoping' they will 'tap' that fluid out of her abdomen.  Why they didn't do that a week ago when she was already there in the hospital is an unknown to us.  We do know that tomorrow they will do blood work, check her hemoglobin level, and blood pressure, etc.  And, we'll take Kelly's 'overnight' bag along just in case something goes sideways and she has to remain in the hospital.

Pheebs and I again remained close to home this morning with only a short drive into Bayfield and back with a quick walk around the quiet roads of the Village's cemetery.  We narrowly escaped getting thoroughly soaked by about 30 seconds when a huge deluge of rainwater suddenly tumbled out of the sky.  We had just got back into the car and closed the door when it struck.  It rained so hard we had to have the windshield wipers on high.  The cloudburst, moving north along the coast lasted about 10 minutes.  For the rest of the day with our indoor weather station showing 91% humidity in the outside air, I wisely stayed inside!!

A Blast From Our Past:)) Received word a few days ago that a long-time blog reader and commenter we met back in early October of 2014 has passed away.  Don Sherwin was 86.  Louise, his wife wondered if we remembered meeting them nearly 10 years ago and we sure did.  I went looking for my post for that day while on our way to our house in Arizona, and here it is..... Winkler to Brandon Manitoba and on to Weyburn Saskatchewan  Every time I post one of these 'blasts from our past' it almost brings tears to my eyes because I miss our traveling winter season to the Great American Southwest so much.  Through those 13 years, we considered the United States our second home, even buying a house on an acre and a half of land in Arizona back in 2012.  It brings a sadness upon me now knowing that we will likely never again return to all our favorite spots in New Mexico, Arizona, and California.  Yes, I'm thankful we had those great years we did, but it doesn't lessen my constant yearning to return to a land and the adventurous lifestyle we so loved and looked forward to each and every one of those years.  And, just a week ago we received an email from a couple in Yuma Arizona that we've never met offering us the use of an RV pad at their new home should we ever make our way to the Southwest again someday.  We've had a number of offers over the years like that from our friendly American neighbors along the way.  Well, I had better get myself off this topic or I'm going to get myself depressed all over again.......................:((

Al's Music Box:)) Cry is a song released by the English music duo Godley & Creme on the 11th March 1985. It was included on the duo's album 'The History Mix Volume 1'. It was  Godley & Creme's lone top 40 hit in the US apart from their former band, 10cc. It reached No. 19 on the UK Singles Chart. The duo also directed the song's music video, which featured faces blended into each other using dissolving and wiping effects.  After Godley & Creme left their former band 10cc after the group's fourth album, they began writing songs for their own albums but became better known for producing music videos for other bands. Within the music video producing process, they met producer Trevor Horn, ex of the 'Buggles' and now heading his own label ZTT Records.  Godley & Creme asked Horn to produce their album but had very little material that was recording studio ready. After their first track failed to produce the required effect, Horn asked what else they had. The pair had already written the first verse of "Cry", and much as though the song came from a position – a man in a relationship where his partner lies and cheats on him – unlike 10cc's 'I'm Not in Love', it did not come from real-life experience. The three hence sat down and started writing down words and phrases that could be associated with the first verse, and then Horn put Godley in the recording booth to record them. Godley later described the song's creation process as "patchwork-like", but it worked due to its envisaged simple production.  The basic sound of the track was provided by electronic music specialist J.J. Jeczalik who used a Fairlight CMI synthesizer. Godley & Creme then created the full backing track, which was mixed and produced by Horn.

GROANER'S CORNER:(( A man is dining in a fancy restaurant, and there is a gorgeous redhead sitting at the next table. He had noticed her since he sat down, but lacked the nerve to talk with her.  Suddenly she sneezes and her glass eye comes flying out of its socket towards the man. He reflexively reaches out, grabs it out of the air, and hands it back.  "Oh my, I am so sorry," the woman says as she pops her eye back in place. "Let me buy you dessert to make it up to you."  They enjoy a wonderful dessert together, and afterward, the woman invites him to the theatre.  "You know," he said, "you are the perfect woman. Are you this nice to every guy you meet?" "No," she replies...."You just happened to catch my eye.


Victim: "Hey, that wasn't the tooth I wanted pulled!" Dentist: "Calm yourself, I'm coming to it."

- In school, every period ends with a bell. Every sentence ends with a period. Every crime ends with a sentence.

A little boy greeted his grandmother with a hug and said, "I'm so happy to see you, Grandma. Now maybe Daddy will do the trick he has been promising us."  The grandmother was curious. "What trick is that my dear?" she asked.  The little boy replied, "I heard Daddy tell Mommy that he would climb the walls if you came to visit us again."




  1. I'm glad you and Kelly are keeping a positive attitude. And You have wonderful memories of past years of traveling - so glad you love the American west, and I love your joke about the flying eyeball. I look forward to your post every evening. Thanks !

  2. It's good that Kelly was able to sleep for a few hours today,any day with you and Pheebs out for a walk is always nice, that one per cent better idea is wise -Mary

  3. Time just marches on, and things change. For me right now, it's the kids growing up and moving out that's making my soul ache...when my daughter gets married in a few weeks, there will only be two left at home...out of sixteen! I still see them, but it's not the same. One of our boys lives in Phoenix, it's awesome there, a different world from rural New York where we live. I'm sorry your adventuring days are over, but glad you still go on your own little adventures and enjoy your days. I'm praying for you guys, hoping Kelly has a good hospital visit and gets some relief.
