Saturday, July 06, 2024


Despite a dark overcast morning threatening rain, Bayfield's annual Vettefest in Clan Gregor Square was well underway by the time Pheebs and I took a drive through the Village earlier today. Last year they had over 400 Corvettes in attendance and with nearly a Chevy Corvette on every corner this morning, I wouldn't be surprised if they had another great turnout this time again.  Pheebs and I cruised through the festivities and contented ourselves with a few drive-by pics before heading to the Bayfield Cemetery for a quiet walk away from the bustling Vettefest crowds of people in Bayfield.  

Our walk was unfortunately cut short by swarms of biting Deer flies.  An hour earlier, Kelly had to cut her morning walk with Pheebs short for the very same reason.  Rotten miserable things those #%!!*!!*# useless good-for-nothing abominations of nature are!!  I wished Deer Flies and Mosquitos would declare an all-out war on each other with each side totally annihilating the other side forever!!

Despite the humidity, the day's air remained cool so Pheebs and I had ourselves a slow walk over to the Park's pond and back.  Didn't see any critters and thankfully the Deer Flies didn't bug us.

And, Facebook threw me a memory from back in early 2008 when we were 'ranch sitting' near McNeal, Arizona about 20 minutes north of Douglas Arizona and the Mexican border.  Being RV Newbies at the time we didn't think it snowed in Arizona.  The photo below shows how wrong we were.  And, this wasn't the last time we got snowed on in Arizona either over the next bunch of winter seasons.  And that includes getting snowed on in Columbus New Mexico 3 miles from the Mexican border and Julian, California an hour's drive east of San Diego in the Cuyamaca Mountains.  Also at our former house in Congress Arizona a couple times.
Al's Music Box:))
 My Love
is a song by the British–American band Paul McCartney and Wings that was first released as the lead single from their 1973 album Red Rose Speedway. It was written by McCartney as a love song to his wife and Wings bandmate Linda. The single marked the first time that McCartney's name appeared in the artist credit for a Wings record, after their previous releases had been credited to Wings alone. The single was viewed as Wings' first significant success in the US and helped Red Rose Speedway achieve commercial success.  Wings recorded "My Love" at Abbey Road Studios in London in January 1973. The song is a piano ballad and features an orchestral arrangement by Richard Hewson that was recorded live with the main track. The recording also includes a guitar solo by Henry McCullough that some commentators view as a highlight of the track. In his improvised playing, McCullough imposed his own style on a Wings song for the first time, countering the more regimented approach favored by McCartney.  Despite its commercial success, "My Love" was given an unfavorable reception by many music critics, some of whom considered it overly sentimental and lyrically inconsequential. A live version of the song was included on Wings' 1976 album Wings Over America, and McCartney has continued to perform it in concert as a tribute to Linda following her death in 1998. He included the song in the musical program for Linda's memorial services in London and New York City, where it was performed by a string quartet. After forming the band Wings with Linda in the summer of 1971, McCartney included "My Love" in the set lists for the group's two concert tours in 1972.  When they performed it at Nottingham University on 9 February for Wings' public debut, the song included Linda singing lines in response to McCartney's lead vocal.  According to Perasi, the performance was otherwise "almost identical" to the version that the band subsequently recorded for official release.  McCartney invited Richard Hewson, with whom he had worked before while with the Beatles, to arrange the orchestral accompaniment for "My Love".  The song was recorded live at Abbey Road Studios in London with a 50-piece orchestra accompanying the band.  The session took place in January 1973.  McCartney played a Fender Rhodes electric piano on the track, while Denny Laine substituted for McCartney on bass guitar. The idea to tape the basic track and the orchestral arrangement simultaneously went against music industry convention, since the session musicians were paid by the hour.  Hewson recalled that he recruited "the best jazz musicians I knew ... They had this particular warm sound" and that the reason for the live recording was because McCartney wanted to capture "a certain feeling".  In music journalist Tom Breihan's description, although the song appears to lack a formal structure, "It chugs and twinkles with the slow confidence of an old torch song, while the orchestra ... swells and contracts."  According to Hewson, around 20 takes were performed over three hours, leaving the musicians tired and having to assure McCartney that their playing could not be improved on.  McCullough later said, "it had got to the point where I achingly wanted to be the guitar player in the band", rather than a sideman playing lines dictated by McCartney.  McCartney recalled in a 2010 interview:  I'd sort of written the solo, as I often did write our solos, and he walked up to me right before the take and said, "Hey, would it be alright if I try something else?" And I said, "Er ... yeah." It was like, "Do I believe in this guy?" And he played the solo on "My Love", which came right out of the blue. And I just thought, Great.  And so there were plenty of moments like that where somebody's skill or feeling would overtake my wishes.  According to McCullough, it was the first time that anyone in Wings had challenged McCartney, and it was an approach that others in the band encouraged, in an effort to make Wings a genuine band and improve McCartney's image.  He described the result on "My Love" as "a stroke of luck, a gift from God really, and you sometimes get that in music".

GROANER'S CORNER:(( Two factory workers were talking. "I know how to get some time off from work." said the man.  "How do you think you will do that?" said the other one. He proceeded to show climbing up to the rafters, and hanging upside down.  The boss walked in, saw the worker hanging from the ceiling, and asked him what on earth he was doing? "I'm a light bulb" answered the guy.  "I think you need some time off," said the boss. So, the man jumped down and walked out of the factory. The second worker began walking out too. The boss asked her where did she think she was going?  "Home. I can't work in the dark." 

The salesman was demonstrating unbreakable combs in the department store. He was impressing the people who stopped by to look by putting the comb through all sorts of torture and stress.  Finally, to impress even the skeptics in the crowd, he bent the comb completely in half, and it snapped with a loud crack. Without missing a beat, he bravely held up both halves of the 'unbreakable' comb for everyone to see and said,  "And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what an unbreakable comb looks like on the inside..."




  1. Sorry the deer flies ruined
    Kelly Pheebs and your
    morning walk, it's nice that you and Pheebs got to the pond without them,
    I hope you three have a nice night, Mary

  2. Deer flies are the absolute worst insects! We found that staying out of wooded and/or wetland areas helps. Stay in the sun. One also needs to wear thick clothing and a hat. Poor Pheebs... they must hurt her, also.

  3. OK so bats need the mosquitos. Who eats the deer flies? Frogs? Maybe they could get together and decide we taste terrible and quit biting humans.

  4. Noah should have kicked the mosquitos and flies off the ark wen he had a chance!

  5. Still remember meeting up with you guys there at Vette Fest in Bayfield, way back when.
