Monday, August 08, 2022


With heavily clouded skies threatening to bust loose with a deluge of rain at any minute Pheebs and I, with a few sprinkles on the windshield, rolled on past our morning walking spot.  Cruising slowly through the countryside with our front windows down the best part of our short drive was hearing all the roadside crickets along the way.  I love the sound of crickets, especially this time of year when it signifies the very early start to the change of seasons and the coming of Autumn's cooler temperatures.  Bring it on:))

GROANER'S CORNER:((  A minister had all of his remaining teeth pulled out. New dentures were being made.  On the first Sunday, he only preached for 10 minutes. On the second Sunday, he preached for only 20 minutes. On the third Sunday, he preached for 1 hour 25 minutes.  When asked about this by some of the congregation, he responded this way.  “The first Sunday, my gums were so sore it hurt to talk. The second Sunday, my new dentures were hurting me a lot. The third Sunday, I accidentally grabbed my wife's dentures...and I couldn't shut up.”


A friend of mine got kidnapped by a group of mimes...They did unspeakable things to him!


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