Sunday, March 09, 2008



I'm typing this from the back room of a little restaurant at the Percival RV Airpark in Watson, Illinois a short 6 miles south of Effingham. Brought the laptop in but the signal wouldn't reach so the lady set me up in the backroom where the router would be closer. They even brought my coffee, hamburger & fries in to me too. This is the same little place we stopped last January of 07 on our way home as well. Kelly wasn't hungry so she is in the motorhome but I remember the burg & fries from last year so I just had to get over here & get me some. Plus, the laptop needed recharging anyway.

We had a good travel day again as we headed off into the sunrise on I-40 from Brinkley, Arkansas. All roads were bare & dry with skiffs of snow here & there in the ditches & fields for about for the first couple hours of travel. We did see some of the carnage left over from Friday night's snow storm west of Memphis. They were still cleaning up truck parts & cargo.

Don't want to overstay my welcome in the back room here so I'd better not upload any time consuming photos. Maybe to-morrow. We'll roll out of here in the morning heading for Elkhart, Indiana to see about a door. There's a chance we might make it home Monday night but more realistically, it will be Tuesday sometime.

OK, gotta go.....................

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