Monday, September 18, 2023


Not a good night for Kelly at all, and when she finally got up she was totally drained and feeling very sick.  She had no energy to take Pheebs for their morning walk and sat huddled in her recliner under a blanket.  She didn't even bother with her laptop computer and her condition didn't improve as the day went on.  I insisted on going into the hospital with her to see the doctor for her 3:30 appointment.  She thought about it for a bit then reluctantly agreed.  I knew she was too weak this time to try doing it herself.  I figured one hour to the hospital, one hour there, and one hour back would be okay for Pheebs to stay home.  So, that's what we did.  It was 1:38 with a sad little doggy face looking out the window when we rolled out of the driveway heading for London.  Luckily, upon arriving at University Hospital's 4th floor liver department they took Kelly (us) right in.  A concerned Intern saw her first and asked a few questions.  He then right away conferred with Kelly's liver doctor.  Dr. Teriaky upon entering the room quickly made the decision to admit her.  He didn't waste any time in having his staff making arrangements for a room.  For the first time, I noticed Kelly's skin had a yellow color to it.  Dr. Teriaky then talked to us for about 15 minutes answering our questions.  At one point Kelly had tears in her eyes because she knows her life is on the line.  Dr. Teriaky told us he will again submit Kelly's name to the Liver Transplant Committee.  The liver disease has now progressed to the point where they have tried everything they can, short of a liver transplant.  I asked him what will happen if she isn't accepted for a liver transplant.  I don't remember his exact words to me but he made it clear that they have done everything they can and without a transplant, Kelly will go on suffering with severe itching, nausea, internal bleeding, and everything else that comes with the final stages of this terrible disease.  A liver transplant is her only hope and even that comes with a high risk factor and a whole host of its own problems as well.  But, it's worth the risk because it is the only chance she's got.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) she will undergo an endoscopy to determine where she is bleeding.  She will also undergo a number of other tests as well so we don't know how long she will be in the hospital.  We're thinking at least two or three days for sure and quite possibly more.  It was 6 o'clock by the time I got home after fighting my way out of the hospital's parking garage and then through London's construction-plagued 5 o'clock rush.  I grabbed a chicken/bacon wrap at Tim Hortons and a coffee in Lucan and made fast tracks heading in the direction of Bayfield.  Sure had a happy little tail-wagging doggy at the door when I got home.       
Al's Music Box:))
 Summer Wine by Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazelwood from Nancy Sinatra's 1967 album, 'Nancy In London'.

GROANER'S CORNER:((  Three preachers sat discussing the best positions for prayer, while a telephone repairman worked nearby.  “Kneeling is definitely best,” claimed one.  “No,” another contended. “I get the best results standing with my hands outstretched to Heaven.”  “You're both wrong,” the third insisted. “The most effective prayer position is lying prostrate, face down on the floor.”  The repairman could contain himself no longer.  “Gentlemen,” he interrupted, “the best praying I ever did was hanging upside down from a telephone pole.”


A nursery school driver was delivering a van full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past.  Sitting in the front seat of the truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog's duties.  "They use him to keep crowds back," said Tommy.  "No," said Billy, "he's just for good luck."  Peter brought the argument to a close.  "They use the dogs, he said firmly, to find the fire hydrants."



  1. Oh AL and Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending you prayers from NB ❤️❤️

  2. Prayers and good thoughts for Kelly as she confronts this health setback. Remembering you too as you deal with.

  3. It was wise if you to insist on going to Kelly's appointment with her Al.
    May she be given the best treatment that's possible,I will pray for you both throughout this difficult time ,-Mary

  4. My best wishes to you and Kelly and Pheebs

  5. (Kawartha Gal) Good thing Kelly had that appointment today…Sounds like she is right where she needs to be at this time. Hope some treatment can have her feeling better. 🙏

  6. Such a difficult time for both of you! I’m sending positive thoughts and good wishes. Please keep us updated. - Hazel

  7. Prayers for the Bayfield Bunch .

  8. Good heavens! Poor woman! I did not quite realize this was where she was at with this. So sad for you all, and we will keep you in our prayers, you precious folk. God bless you.

  9. Though I only know The Bayfield Bunch through a faithful reading of your blog, I would like to say you are in my heart as I wish you the best. --Annette in Omaha

  10. We are thinking of you both and Pheebs too... Let us know when you can how things are going.

  11. At 86 I have been there with my wife in the hospital so have a little knowledge of what you guys are going through. My prayers are with you both.

  12. Al, may you and Kelly be comforted by the knowledge that so many prayers are being said for Kelly.

  13. Thinking about you both, sending positive thoughts and hugs Jean

  14. 😢 thinking of you Kelly. Fight the good fight! xo

  15. Have they ever suggested a partial liver transplant from a living donor? Praying Kelly feels better soon. PBC is a heartbreaking disease.

  16. So sorry to hear that Kelly is back in the hospital. You both are in our prayers.

  17. Kelly I'm praying a liver comes fast for you. Prays from your friend Ava.

  18. Continuing prayers for Kelly and you, and the medical team, as you deal with this situation.

  19. Such a hard road to walk. I'm praying every day that Kelly gets the liver transplant as soon as possible.

  20. Fingers crossed for both you and Kelly .

  21. Prayers for Kelly that tomorrow will be a better day.

  22. My thoughts and prayers are with you both during this trying time.

  23. Sending prayers for both you and Kelly.

  24. All my prayers are with you both. Gaelyn

  25. My prayers for both of you! Peace,

  26. I am so sorry to hear this news. I am praying hard that a new liver is in her future. You three hold strong and know there are many prayers heading her way.

  27. Al, I just checked and someone my age can provide a piece of liver. I would be happy to be tested for a match. Just let me know and it's a go.

    1. Thanks Doug, I know your thoughtful offer is straight from the heart because it is the fine person that you are. There has been some talk about a partial liver transplant and Kelly's youngest son and two daughters have offered to help their Mother if needed. Assuming they would be a match. ''Thank you again from both of us for your kind and thoughtful willingness to help. It is something I will never forget.

  28. Sending positive thoughts to you and Kelly along with Pheebs. I hate all of this is happening to you both.

  29. Wishing you and Kelly all the best! Our prayers and thoughts are with you at this difficult time! Rick & Kathy Rousseau (It's about time!)

  30. John King, Congress AZTuesday, September 19, 2023

    Al, I have been following you guys all along. Sorry to hear Kelly is not improving. Our prayers are always with you two. Hope you can make one more trip to the SW. We need another Canadian Cowboy down here.

  31. There are so many thoughts and prayers heading your way, I almost didn't want to add more. But I'm here and just adding another!
    Sure would like to see all 3 of you back in the Desert Southwest!

  32. Adding prayers from Russ and Donna to all the rest. HUGS

  33. Hi Al, please tell Kelly Suzanne from "take to the highway" is pulling for her... for you all three! Sending lots of love.
