Just want to say thanks to the folks in places like Fulton NY, Mountain View California, Imperial Missouri, Walnut Creek California, Brandon Manitoba, Ottawa Ontario, & Kitchener Ontario, to just mention a very few, who have been faithfully following our blog for this past year to see what the Bayfield Bunch is up to. Don't know who most of you folks are but many thanks for giving me the inspiration to get out there with my camera & snap a few pictures again. I had totally lost all interest in photography from 1993 up until a few years ago. I'm happy people are enjoying the photos & the albums.
And thanks to the blog readers who have given me a reason to sit down with the computer most days, put my thinking cap on, & try to come up with something sort of interesting for people to read. And thanks to the fellow down there in New Mexico somewhere for emailing me a few days ago & suggesting I break the blog down into shorter paragraphs to make it more readable. Thanks my friend, every little bit helps.
An easy way to follow our blog or anyone else's blog, or for that matter, any website is to simply put an icon on your desktop. To do that, just open up any website in your browser & look up to the top left of the page & find the word, File. Click that & a menu drops out. Scroll down to the word Send. Another menu with 3 options pops out the side. If you want to send that website's address to anyone, just click on, Link by Email & it will automatically format an email for you to send. If you want to put an icon on the desktop for that website just click on, Shortcut to Desktop. In our case the icon will probably appear as an orange square with a white capital letter B in the center. Now, anytime you want to go to that website just click on that icon & it takes you directly to the site. No more rummaging around looking for the website address:))
I hope to do one or two more posts before we leave this coming Saturday.
To-day's photos are on the beach at Deerpark Lodge along the sullen & sandy shores of Lake Huron about a half mile north of Bayfield Ontario, Canada. Taken Nov. 9th.
OUR PHOTO ALBUMS http://picasaweb.google.com/stargeezerguy/
I have been watching and reading your blog with interest. I know how important that hit counter is to the writer. Although you write these things for yourself it is sure nice to know that there are others out there who find value. You have some beautiful photos. My wife and I are snowbirds from Alberta and although we have a small jump on you, have only made it to San Francisco so far on our journey to sunshine and warmth. Hope our trails cross. I will include the link to our site.
Al, ummmm if you should notice a large lump duct taped to the back of your rig, I'd appreciate if you ignored it until you arrive in the sunny south! It seems the weather and a few medical emergencies all conspired against me getting a chance to go riding with you this summer,so if i can get the tape to stick maybe i can fall you both south for the winter.
ReplyDeletethe hermit
Besides desktop icons, Internet Explorer has a feature called "Favorites". Once a web page is open you can click on the "Favorites" item at the top left and then click on "Add to Favorites". Then clicking on the "Favorites" selection (big yellow star icon) gets you a list of everything you have added. I've currently got 32 blogs & web sites in my list (and being away from the computer for 5 days I think I'll finally catch up after 3 days).