Sunday, June 27, 2010

ERROR '400'....I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!

Despite repeated attempts again tonight at publishing, republishing, & tweaking my blog, Error 400 shot me down in flames every time.  I can't handle this kind of frustration every night anymore.  As of right now I consider my Live Writer blogging days...........OVER!!   


  1. Hi Al, have a look at this website
    It gives a fix for that error. I have never had a problem with Live writer so far. Hope it stays that way. Good luck!

  2. Al, I did a search on your error and found this link about it..maybe check it out.

  3. I just don't understand, I haven't had that error at all?
    I'm running Windows 7.

    I wonder what is wrong?

    Sorry to hear about your luck, certainly must be frustrating.

  4. I'm sorry for you with this irritating situation. I hope you will post with Blogger or something!!! Can't wait to read more.

  5. Al, I've sent you a little Windows Registry "fix" program that just might correct this problem. Look for it in your email, o.k. Good luck.

  6. I don't blame you one bit. You've tried long and hard enough, and why put yourself through it. As the old gambler said, "Ya got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em". I wouldn't walk away, I'd run!

  7. Aw dang! There goes something really wonderful!


  8. Al, it appears that error 400 is returned by google's servers when the file you are uploading exceeds a certain size. Live writer is not giving you error 400, google is.
    Search under error 400 in your browser and there are lots of discussions about this phenomena.
    Folks are breaking their posts up into several separate entries in order to get under the limit.
    Since you always want to post large numbers of pictures, you are running into the problem.
    Have fun with the new Jeepster tomorrow!!!!!!

  9. sorry to hear you don't like the Live writer..I love it!.at least for now!!!..hang in there Al!!!

  10. Oh boy, Stargeezer!!! I surely hope there is a plan B...which doesn't include whacking your computer with a sledgehammer. I love your blog and your pictures. I'm trying to learn how to use my new camera, and I use your pics for inspiration, and motivation. KEEP BLOGGING even if you have to go old school!!


  11. Sheesh, Al you handle rejection better than me, I think I would have tossed the computer out a second story window, but since I don't have a second story, I will have to get the ladder out and take it to the peak of the roof before I toss, it. Be safe out there, Sam & Donna.

  12. Gracious me! That error 400 is a true mossmagator!
